{First Trial}

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Investigation had begun.

John wasn't used to this. The whole murder thing wasn't really something he would ever get used to.

Everyone had went their own ways during the investigation. John was still shocked. Vriska. His only friend. Dead.

She was killed in his own room. Why he thinks. Why would someone kill her?!

John did as much investigating as possible. It was scary seeing a body just, hanging there. Especially the corpse of one of his friends, no, his only friend.

But alas, after some time passed, an announcement was heard.

"Attention students! Investigation time has ended. Please make your way to the red doors on the first floor."

Just like Cal had said, everyone made their way there. They were waiting for one more person to arrive.

John. He didn't know what to expect. But he finally made his way to the doors. Taking a deep breath before entering, he grabs the handle and walks into the room, everyone staring. Cal appears.

"Ohohohoho! Despair is in the air! What's wrong with all of you? You all seem upset about something!"

"Maybe it's because someone was fucking murdered!" Karkat yells.

"Shit dude can you ever shut up?" Dave asks.

"Do you wanna go strider?!"

"Boys boys please!" Kanaya interrupted the two. "Do not fight each other. We have a murderer on our hands."

"True that is, Kanaya! So everyone get in that elevator! It's class trial time!!" Cal says, laughing.

Everyone entered the elevator. It was silent the whole ride down.

This is it, John thought. We're going to figure out who killed Vriska!

They stepped out of the elevator.

"Alright! So before we begin allow me to explain how this works!" Cal says. "This is a nonstop debate! You'll continue to do this until you figure out whodunnit! If you can figure out who the blackened is, you'll all live and the murderer will be punished for their crime! But if you can't figure it out... You all get punished! And the murderer is allowed to leave!"

"Wait, what?!" Eridan says.

"You nevfur mentioned that befur!" Nepeta says right after Eridan talks.

Rose sighs. "Is that what you mean by in the rules about the blackened being blackened unless discovered?"

"Yep yep yep a million times yep!" Cal says. "Now, enough talking! It's time for a class trial!"


"Before we do anything, let's talk about-" Eridan starts but was rudely interrupted.

"Talk about what?! We already know who killed Vriskers!" Nepeta says.

Everyone gave her a weird look. Nobody knew who she was talking about. "The one who killed her was John! Isn't it obvious?!"

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