{Second Murder}

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After John had met up with Rose, he had gone by the pool to see if anyone was there. Feferi and Eridan were in the pool while Sollux had sat outside.

Feferi and Sollux were talking, while Eridan was trying to get Feferi's attention.

"Fef," no answer. "Feffffff."

"What eridan..?" She asks, annoyed by Eridan interrupting a perfectly good conversation.

"Race me. I bet I'm faster than you."

"Wait, what?!" Now she was shocked.

"ED, not cool. I bet even I could beat you in some stupid race."

"Fine then. Get in the water and race me." Eridan demands.

"Hey, I said I could. Not that I wanted to."

"Fuck you."

"No thanks."

Eridan groans and goes back to swimming. That's not good. John thinks. Why are people becoming enemies?! Why can't we all be friends?!

He sighs, going back to his room.

He flops onto his bed, staring at the roof. "Maybe this is all just some bit nightmare.. Maybe I'm not even awake right now.. Yeah.. I'm probably at home, sleeping or something..! Everyone is alive and well! No one has died or anything.." He laughs nervously. This place was making John feel insane.

Every moment he had spent in that place, he had felt his sanity going away slowly. He became lonely in that place, although there were people there.

He felt as if the people there hated him. He didn't even know what they thought about him.

After thinking about all that, he eventually managed to make him fall asleep.

Some time had passed and John heard his door bell ringing like crazy. He groaned, getting out of bed and going over to the door. He opened the door to reveal Dave, who seemed shocked about something.

He looked at John. "John."


"Did you hear the announcement..?"

"The announcement?"

Dave sighed, grabbing John's hand, pulling him out of the room. John managed to close the door as he was being dragged.

Dave had dragged John all the way to the second floors pool. What John saw made him shocked.

Sollux was laying by the pool, in a pool of his own blood. Next to him was a little </3 in his own blood.

John was shocked. Another person dead. Another innocent person dead..

Sollux Captor has been murdered.





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