Closer(zeref and lucy)

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*BOOK 2 is out*

Chapter: 1 Vanished

[Author POV]
Zeref was just standing there ,waiting for Natsu ,if he should choose ,to end him ,as his soldiers stood far back observing by order of their emperor .

Just before Natsu could make another move ,a smerk appeared on Zeref 's face and he began chuckling as if he was relieved. Natsu arched and eye brow at the dark wizard in front of him , but then gasped as he pulled on something .

"...E.N.D..." Natsu muttered under his breath ,staring wide eye at the book .

"Natsu..." Zeref said bringing Natsu put of his slight daze .
"You have two options here ...." Zeref began "you either lose or leave here thus not defeating me leaving me to reek havoc and destroy all."

Natsu clenched is teeth and fist at this remark.

"....OR...."Zeref continue "you defeat and save the world ...but be warn ,you will also perish as a result."

"And why the hell would I die if I'm definitely going to defeat you." Natsu yelled anger but also confusion welling in his eyes .Zeref chuckled at this now looking Natsu straight in the eyes ,letting his evil smirk fall in to adorable ,sad ,friendly (you wouldn't even know he's dangerously evil ) face.

You don't remember me at all ,do you even remember my name ?" Zeref asked sarcastically but with a hint of sadness in his voice.
This behavior made Natsu even more confused ,"- hell are talking about, and of course I know you ,your that trespassing, cry-baby ,who's fault it was that our guild's holy grounds were blow up by Acnalogia and is apparently is a great evil-wizard!!"Natsu stated matter-of-factly.

Zeref smiled admitting to himself that he kinda went over board with the water-works that time ,but knew he had a good reason ,for someone being alone emotionally for hundreds of years.

If you didn't seen your 'baby brother' in over four hundred years ...then tell ,how would you react,mmm?

Natsu's eyes turn to saucers ,as he processed Zeref's words .

"Baby B-b-brother!?" Natsu chocked up utterly confused, but putting the pieces together unbelieving.

"What the hell are you talking about "!? He shouted angrily ,tying to push the possibilities of Zeref's word to the back of his mind.

Zeref smirk returned,"As I just said..... Natsu ......your are my brother .....My name is Zeref Dragneel!"

Natsu's eyes popped and Happy (who has be away a distance cheering on Natsu very loudly ) was now staring wide eyes and disbelieving at the altercation and verbal exchange in front of him hoping that his ears betrayed him .

"N-n-nooo....y-your lying !!" Natsu shouted .

Taking in Natsu's reaction ,Zeref continued with an explanation-"Its true ,I'm your brother ,Igneel may have raised and is your father, but come ,your are a hum-

"Igneel,what the hell do you know about Igneel !?" Shouted Natsu cutting off Zeref .

"A lot actually" he answered "We were well acquainted...actually... I am the one who pleased you in his care .

"What!?" Bellowed Natsu.

"Yes " Zeref continued ,"I wanted him to care for you and make my little creation stronger ,and I must say he did a fine for the time he spent with you."

Natsu was angry but confused ,like really really confused,but was taken aback when he said 'creation.'

"Hey!" He began "Even though I don't care and I don't believe you,but you first start calling me your 'little brother 'and now and I'm your 'little creation' is it just me or are you a total nut job ."
Zeref laughed lightly and turned to Natsu dead serious ,eyes shining red and said, " simple you died and my genius brought you back ,but tampering with life and dead is punishable." He then started to moved closer to Natsu putting him back on his defensive.

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