Chapter 25 :Reaction

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Sorry for the long wait, where I spent vacation, I felt Like a wealthy cave man, I had lots to eat, thankfully I didn't get fat, but I had no WIFI anywhere, I was internally dieing so really sorry.

Normal POV

Zeref finished his explanation the faces of Erza, Brandish and Gray, held mix emotions.

It was silent. The three fairytail wizards trying to completely rap her head around the two brothers' history.

Grey looked about ready to speak when-

"Papa!" Zerra called running towards us, Aries right behind them.

", dad can we go home, pleeeaaaase!?"

Zeref looked conflicted, being near his children at the risk of hurting them and not wanting to destroy their home.

" I don't-"

"Sure." Lucy cut in. Looking back at Lucy he pleaded with her with his eyes which she fully understood.

"Kids why don't go play for a little while with aunt- Aries and we'll leave in a little while.

"Ok!" They both said running out into the field.

Before Lucy could say anything, Brandish, surprisingly spoke up.

"I see." She said, all eyes turning to her.

"Pardon?" Zeref said.

"You did the impossible, for family, but something, or someone didn't like that you actually succeeded, causing the one precious life that mattered to you, equal those of thousands."

"Brandish?" Her name escaped Natsu's mouth as she continued.

"You are cursed with the dead of all. My Lord may I ask a question?"

"......of course."

"Does the name Ankhseram have anything to do with your curse."

The name of the so call 'God' that caused his and so manys' trouble, made Zeref's jaw tighted, but soom almost drop as Brandish dropped to her knees and started to sob.

"Brandish?!" Natsu, Erza and Lucy called. Natsu knelt down beside her gripping her hands as she looked up to Zeref tears sliding down her cheeks "and I know you have suffered and and many,many, many others had suffered because of this, but I'm thankful, if that seems selfish then so be it, I'm thankful to you for bringing back the one I love."

"Brandish." Natsu breathed, as he dragged her to her feet.

"Natsu I'm gonna take to the lake for some space, ok, you should stay." Lucy said standing and taking an emotional trashed Brandish.

"But, ok."

"Titania." Zeref called as Natsu sat next to him playing over what he just heard in his head.

"I would like to know how you feel on my 'explaination'."

Erza's face remained nuetral as she stood.

And went to Natsu And suddenly started pulling his cheek. Hard.

"Ow! Erza what are you doing!"
"Theres really nothing I could say, but Brandish is right, you did the impossible for family, for the one you love, no matter what happen, I can't see any of it being intentionally your fault, plus you did bring back fairytail's number one goofball here- "

"Ow Erza!"

Zeref then noded at Erza seeing as she accepted him.

His eyes now turning to the one that kinda scared him, not that he would tell anyone that, the one that held visible burning hatred for him, but now that he knew the truth his eyes were unreadable, clouded with many different emotions.

Zeref POV

"Grey Fullbuster was it?" I said, I swear he was gonna hiss at me. He stood up, Natsu eyeing him warily.

"Listen I still hate you, my family was kill, my teacher was killed because of you, " Both Natsu and I hung our head not being to look him in the eye, know all snd more of what he was say is true.

", because of you for my father to rest in peace I had to kill him, I had to kill my father, I had to kill my family........................................ Which is why I don't wanna do it again."

Both Natsu and looked up seeing Grey's face soften, well at Natsu really but, details.

"Natsu is my family is my and I could never hurt death anyway, I'll punch his face in if he says anything stupid-AAAHH "

He screemed earning a chopp in the leg fron Titania.

"Continue." She said as he did so with a glared.

"What I'm saying is Natsu and Lucy are family, which makes you, unfortunately, family or what ever. Helping control your power, so you don't kill anybody else, is the next best thing next to killing your ass." He sais as he sat back down, I truely didn't know what to say.

"I uh...thank you?"

"Yeah what ever, I have a question?"

Rude much.

"What is it."

"If we can't help you-" he said glancing at Titania "- how do we kill you?"

Titania must have agreeded with him as she made no move to interject, and I could feel Natsu uncomfortably shift. Signing I replied.

"He isn't ready."

"Who isn't ready and what does this have to do with killing you."

"It has to do with everything, The only person who could possible kill me is Natsu, more accurately E.N.D, he isn't ready."

"What?!" Grey said,"How-"

"Everybody is forgiven and made up and your all here moping around and worrying about the past." Lucy said coming out of nowhere. " Erza, Grey, Natsu I haven't seen you guys in years and this how you greet me and 'you' she turn to me and grabbing me by my ears, I hate when she does that, I have sensitive skin, for a guy.

"Ow! Lucy!"

"What is happening?" I heard Grey say with a bewildered look.

"Come mister the kids said they wanna go home, so lets go?" She said.

"But lucy I might-"

"NO!! Your not gonna hurt us ok, we're goona be find, so lets just all go home and be happy, okay_!?" Lucy pleaded her voice sounded like she was on the verge of tears. Sqeasing her hand , I nodded solomly. I hate ut when she crys.

So we headed home, the fairytail wizards following behind us, I could feel the Ice wizard burning holes in the back of my head.

Lucy and I both held Lance's hands, as Zerra was walking beside Natsu and Brandish bombarding them with questions.

This is the first time I'd ever saw and experienced something like this, being surrounded by people, by family, even family that wants to thrash my head in, *cough*Grey *cough* *cough*.

But for the sake of my family, I'm afraid thus will be the first and last time.


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