Chapter9:Acceptance and The Taste.

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Erza POV

Its been 6 months since Lucy's disappeared. After Zeref troupes left, all has been quite on our side, and theirs.

Natsu and Happy have been really depressed after the first week of trying to find her a trace of the island but to no avail.

There's have been nasty rumors going around about Lucy, most of them saying that she's dead definitely doesn't sit well with us.

Natsu POV

Normally if people said that Lucy was dead, I would definitely burn them to a crisp, but for the last six months all I do is eat, hardly sleep, look for Lucy and think, about that day.

The events, the conversations....keep playing over and over in my head.

And I know that she's alive, but how, why and how is she doing.

"' Lucy might not be in any immediate danger, but you must find her." The first masters last word rand in my head.

Lucy's not in danger, but we need to find her.

Although I put off the whole brother thing with Zeref, it pops up every now and then, me trying to prove him wrong.

That's why today I decided to put those thoughts to rest, Happy and I are going to a Magical Biology research center thingy or what ever to research my....uh body's structure, or something.

"Excuse me sir are you done filling out your explanation form" said one of the nurse asked me. I pointed to happy who was filling it out for me and he handed it to her.

"Uh thank you little blue cat, would you please come with me to the research room." She said motioning us to follow.

They good blood and made me lie under this weird machine thing , for like half and hour. Then they made Happy and I wait for an hour and a half in a patients room.

Happy and I was just in the middle in a game of go fish, when a knock came to the door.

"Come in!" I called out.
Just then one the head doctors came in, I already don't like this.

"Sorry for the wait Mr. Dragneel, but we decided to run through the test twice me since the results were a bit......shocking, but they remain the same." He said .

"So....what are these...shocking results" I said impassively.

"Well the main factors are your body is lined with ethernano particles which are over 400 years old, and you have demonic sells, but their what you can call in a sleeping state, waiting to be triggered by something but we don't know what. You also-"

"-Thats all I need to know....let's go happy I said getting up and out.

"Uh okay."

The walk back to the guild was silent.

"Happy....are scare if me or ...mad?"

I asked Happy breaking the silence.

"Why would I."

"Because.... Its true, he my brother....he my own flesh and blood.

I suddenly just stopped realizing something I have family, not just fairy tail, really blood family.

"Hey Happy, wadda you say when we rescue Lucy try to help a certain relative of mine." I said giving a weak smile.


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