Chapter 27: The Ocean

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Lucy POV

This is so awkward. Every one was seated around the table. But it was silently, except of course for Natsu who paid more attention to his food. He hasn't changed a bit.

Grey was occasionally throwing murderous looks at Zeref, which even tho he wasn't returning, he could surely feel but the uncomfortable face he was making.

Just like, Lance, he's nit that good with people, even tho he is an Emperor, he has different side to him.

Making an attempt to small talk to take the pressure off, I cleared my throat and spoke up.

" are everyone doing.... You know back at fairy tail?"

Erza spoke up first.

"Well everyone's fine, mostly the same as always, cana drinking people under the table, Gildarts even came by many time, Romeo and Wendy are growing up nicely and Natsu and Grey giving the Master headaches."

I giggle at the tails of my friends antics, and after a while the uncomfortable silence was uncomfortable anymore.

After dinner I put the kids to bed, but not without many protest from Zerra, I got some stuff for the gang to sleep on. When I finished and was heading to my room I was stopped by Natsu.

"Oh hey do you need something?"

"Actually we're suppose to leave tomorrow and-"

"Its alright."

"I guest but your gonna have to explain to the others."

"*sigh* I understand, we'll talk in the morning. Good night Natsu.

"G'night Lucy."

Erza POV

I was trying to find Grey since I haven't seen him since dinner, he was probably out side.

"Uh um ms. Titania?" I head a timid voice behind me.

Turning around I was met with sight of Zeref. How could this small, timid man be the evil mage that destroyed so many, and so much, it doesn't make any and he and Natsu, their relation, what Natsu truely is, is it a true, and Lucy.

"Um I wish to speak with you if it's alright?" He asked

"I suppose, would you like to do it here or..." I offered.

"He worriedly looked back to the house, then back at me.

"I would appreciate it if we talk by the lake maybe."

Thinking it over, I nodded as he motioned me to follow him.

Reaching the base of the lake we slow our pace, coming to halt as I turned towards him.

"So.....?" I erged gaining his attention away from the moon lit water of the lake

"....righy I'm, your guild is leaving soon I presume?"


"Then please....take them with you."

To say I was shocked was to say the least.

"E-excuse me?....but why wou-"

"Their not safe anymore, not safe around me anyway." The dark mages emotions suddenly bottled as the conversation continued, his intimidation sky rocketed, but of course I did let a single emotion betray.

"I have no quarries about your proposition, but please explain."

"*sigh* Very Well."

The conversation continued as Zeref explained to me the situation, about him the barrier, making the picture and courses of action clear. No matter what For hers and her children's safety, but Zeref's wishes, Lucy, Lance and Zerra were to leave the island with them forever whether they want to or not.

Grey POV

I really don't know how to feel about this anymore, Lucy and Zeref, Natsu being E.N.D I just need some time.....alone, I need to get off this island as quickly as possible.

I decided better then moping around for hours until I fall asleep, morning would reach quicker if I hit the sack early.

Lucy set out a bunch of futons for us Natsu and Brandish were already fast asleep in theirs. But Erza was no where to be found.

Stepping next to the window I spotted Erza coming in side ......
..........with Zeref following a ways behind.

My angered flared up as I saw him what was she doing with him, did he do something to her, is he controlling her, is he controlling Lucy?!

"What did you do to her!" He lunged out the window in a blind rage, aiming my first at the dark mage. Unanswered theories swirling in my head.

He didn't even blink or try to dodge.

But my fist never connected, I was stopped by Erza.

"Erza?" I said in confusion as she put down my fist down. 

"Stop.....we have no reason to fight anymore.....come on I'll fill you in, we have to get ready since we're 'all' leaving this place tomorrow." she turning around giving Zeref one hard look before pulling me along with her to house, i too leaving giving Zeref a 'look' , what did they talk about , and i felt that something more was going on.

Lucy POV

uh feel sick, why is every thing spinning ? or shaking rather.

Opening my eyes , I noticed i don't see the familiar flower shaped patterns of my ceiling instead welcomed with a ceiling of blank planks.

sitting up i was shocked to see I was in plane room, looking around i noticed Zerra and Lance fast asleep in a bed across from my.

A huge wave of confusion washed over me as slid off the bed to stand, still feeling dizzy , i slightly stumbled, but not because i was dizzy, it felt like we were really.

"Zeref?" I said hopefully heading to the single door in the room swaying and all most stumbling the entire way.

Opening the I was greeted with the single view of the ocean.

plz don't kill me and im sorry the book will be ending soon and it might not be so ....
happy, but there WILL be a shortt part 2 summing up everything and bringing the happiness , really busy these iv been studying korean well hangul I wanted learn Japanese but i have had .... what you can call experience with each language and Japanese seems a little easier so i started with the hard one first. wish me good ps ATTACK ON TITAN SEASON TWO OMGGGGGGGGHH.

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