Chapter5:Mission Lucy

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Natsu POV

She was gone.

Just like that, she was gone in that gush of wind, and I couldn't save ....and she's gone....none of  us know where she, and the worst part is....she's with that lying bastard Zeref.

Its his fault, this is all his fault.

Brother my his brother,...him 'Zeref Dragneel'... yeah right.

After Lucy disappeared, I couldn't believe it I didn't know what to do,but suddenly I had shouting and running. I looked around seeing Zeref's forces retreating.

"Every back to the ship, all squads back to the ships...we must wait for our emperor's return." I heard the second in command other the others, but I was still a bit shocked, I didn't even try to stopped.

"Natsu!" I heard happy call, I turned around to him, with first master on the ground looking she was in pain and for some reason  Brandish was still here....and she looks like she can.....nooo? How can she see first master ?

"First master!" I shouted and ran to them, " what's wrong , and how can Brandish see you."

"I-I used a small spell to to give me a temporal body, so I could access that other spell to seal Zeref's powers away and send him back  in to a sleeping state." Mavis said ,"And because of the great power my second spell held, it's draining me of all the  little amount of magic spiritual energy I have and because the body is still holding up that is how this woman is able to see me ,"she looked at Brandish,"when my magic runs out you guys will no longer be able to see me.....and one more thing," she said as her body starting to disintegrate into tiny glowing particles flowing on to the sky, "Lucy might, not be in any immediately danger, but you must find her, your have relocate Tenrou Island bye my children."at that Mavis was gone a thousand mini stars in the sky gone for ever.

I got off the ground heading for the guild, the place seemed clear," come on Happy"

"Aye"he said sadly

But then I stopped.

"What's wrong Natsu?" asked Happy"

"Brandish," I said


"Come on,"

"......"-" you wish."

All three of us then headed to Fairy Tail.

(Later that day at the guild )

Normal POV

When Natsu,Happy and Brandish got to the guild everyone already know Brandish was on their side, so Natsu and Brandish explained the details of what happened with Mavis and Lucy.

Except for some broken buildings and aftermath debris, Magnolia was back to normal, any sign of the enemy, gone.

But all was tense in the guild after we explained everything. "First Master," Master Makorov.

"Please let the heavens welcome our master and rest her soul, " he said " And let us honor memories and wishes, keeping our family together by rescuing our dear Lucy."

A few minutes after Makarov assembled a team to discuss a plan of rescue.






""stutter Lizzana

"Yes  my dear, you see, in case you must part take in combat, I want the teams to be equal, I know Wendy could defiantly fight for herself, but in case needed medical attention, we need her in tiptop shape, understood?" Said Makarov

"Yes master " said Lizzana.

"Moving on," Makarov continued " We don't really know if Zeref has guards or not so, we all can't be running in there Willy nilly, so I got our strongest team plus others, but first things first, it appears, Zeref relocated the island elsewhere. So that's where Blue Pegasus comes in to hell track it. Now the rest of you get some rest before we leave.

Just as Natsu was heading out, he spotted Brandish looking sad in the corner of the guild she was staring Lucy's whip .

"Master" Natsu called to Makarov.

Makarov began " We'll leave soon Natsu be pa-"

"No" he cut off Makarov.

"I would just like permission to take Brandish with us ...please . he said impassively.

Brandish was surprised, but she was grateful.

"Sure...that would even be better," consented Makarov.

"Brandish,....let's go." Natsu called.

"Of course."

Every on the mission to save Lucy walked out the guild to the location set to meet Blue Pegasus to board 'Cristina'.

                End of Chapter 5

Wow its shorter than the rest, but well come back to them later ....I think I'm gonna post it now , 2 chapters in one day ..I'm awesome ..and by the way for who's want to know why Brandish was with Lucy and Mavis earlier and his now missing her your answer is one of recent manga chapters of fairy ...I don't really wanna explain it but if you want I tell me think read and enjoy...night,night.

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