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Back fairy tail Christmas Day

Normal POV

Since Natsu's breakthrough, with accepting Zeref as his brother. He's been more calm and his usual self.

Its was also Brandish's first Christmas. Since Brandish was also set on finding Lucy and was offered to come here by Natsu she spends most if her time with him. For a once deadly adversary, she is quite shy.

No one might notice but she is quite acquainted and fund of happy.

She also officially joined fairy tail, with her guild mark near her shoulder over her right breast.

"Hey Wendy have you seen Happy?" Natsu said walking in to the guild.

"He's over there with Brandish"

He went over to Brandish to see a bunch of boxes and a cheerful Happy.

"Hey guys what's going on." Natsu asked.

"Hey Natsu, Brandish was giving me gifts, see!" Happy said showing Natsu His gifts, a Fish plushi, a bowl of fish, a fish cook book and a fishing rod.

"Wow" Natsu said

". Natsu I also have something for you ." Brandish said showing a small box in front of her.

Natsu sat next to Brandish and opened the box, it was a small golden Medallion, it was a dragon.

Natsu was in awe at the trinket.

"Brandish how did you- "

"It was from my father, although I don't remember or no him, neither the less, I want you have it."

"But I-"

"Ahhhhhh" before he could finish Mira screemed.

"Your both under the mistletoe!" Mira stated.

Brandish and Natsu both looked up to see that accursed piece of grass called 'mistletoe' .

"So!" They both said in unison.

"Sooo...Mira began giving them the demon eyes.."you gotta kiss."

Brandish looked unfazed but Natsu looked like he was ready to pee his pants, every in the guild know how Mira gets when they break the 'mistletoe rule' and you sure don't wanna witness firsthand the destructive power of her anger.

Natsu smile at Mira so she would stop giving him the look, and turn to Brandish.

"I'm sorry about this," Natsu whispered to her, who looked confused, before cupping her cheeks and mashing their lips together, the kiss only last a few second before Natsu pulled away, Brandish was in complete and utter shock, but more so than the guild who was equally shocked and silent, jaws dropped, drinks spilled and many falling or almost falling off their seats.

Every one was shock even Mira, no matter how much she's ever threatens someone in to these kinds of stuff especially Natsu, she'd never thought he'd actually do it...unless he wanted to. Then a mischievous grin spread across Mira's lips.

"Okay...shows over Natsu said putting his fist in the air which made everyone go back to normal, but with ominous whispers.

Brandish suddenly stood up "I need to leave."

"Hey wait!" Natsu said.
But all she did was push the gift she got him in his hand and walked out the guild.

"You liiiiike her." Said happy hugging his fish plushi.

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