Chaper6:Special Bond

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Zeref POV

Normally when I have my little 'attacks' My head is usually throbbing, but its not , I open my eyes trying to sick up, but there's ....a wash cloth on my four head, I removed the cloth from my head and sit up. I was back in the clearing from last night, I was also lying on a green piece of cloth.

The girl, she was not on the clearing, so I walk down to the lake,and she was there....washing ... clothes....(oh god) clothes , that's when I noticed my  oval cloak gone and I was only in my  black undervest and my regular pants I wear under my robe.

Its seems I had I fever, but I never gets trivial illnesses, what did that girl do to me.

I walked down  to the lake behind her and she didn't even seem to notice me.


She was startled "....oh, its you, sorry."

"How did you do that, you stop me." I questioned her.

"Well, um not entirely sure, but I think its because of this tattoo around my neck."she said while pointing under the  base of  her neck."and it just stopped as soon as I touched you."

"I see, how long was i was I out "asked not wanting to go in to details.

"Since yesterday, which is about a day now."

"Did anything happened while I was asleep."he asked knowing the 'attacks' sometimes come when I'm asleep, and I won't remember it.

"No.. You did get a fever though but it seems to be gone n-"she stopped mid sentence .

"Oh god ...y-y-y-your-your ...-"

"What is it, my what!"

"Y-Your neck !"  She squeaked.

I lifted my hand  to my neck but didn't feel  anything, so I leaned down to the river to see  and...there it was .....a similar designed tattoo on my neck to Lucy's but in the shape of a holy Cross.

I looked up at her, she looked like she thought she was accidentally going to kill me, it was almost laughable...but a dismissed the thought and subject.

I took my robe from her hands.

"Um..waits its still!"

I instantly dry my robe when I touch it, she seems to be amused by the tiniest things I do.

I turn to leave, cuz I need to clear my head, the girl just went  back to what she was doing washing some other form of clothing.

Time Skip : 1 week (7 days)

(Still)  Zeref POV

Its been a week now, and I don't usually keep track of this but its been 7 days  since I woke up with this thing on my neck, 8 days since my last 'attack' and I know it has something to do with the girl. Not that I'm complaining, it feels good to not go through that twice a day now. But how did she do it.

I have no idea why but I'm walking over to her now, she's been in small flower bead yellow Daisy's everywhere, watching the sky.

The barrier seem to be giving her celestial spirits trouble passing through, because I only sense their presence every 2 days or so and only stay for a maximum of 5 minutes,each time bringing her necessaries.

As I approach her  I stopped a few feet away, there was a deer at her side munching on an apple, even though Lucy might be able to stand my power, I doubt the  deer has any power.

"Lucy," I say not wanting to get any closer,

"Yes?" She answered cautiously.

"Do you know what this tattoo symbolizes?"

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