Chapter 18: Hello Again

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Zeref POV

This pain.
I've lived and felt this pain for hundreds of years. But these short sweet years I've spent with were loving and pain free.

This pain. This dark scrutinizing pain eating away at me. The pain was so familiar, but yet so foreign.

My last 'magic attack ' as we call it ,was about 30 or so minutes ago, I don't know, I'm so exhausted to remember, I tried to get up and walk in the direction of home. ' maybe Lucy can help me?" I thought dragging my feet, still not knowing how Lucy stopped all those years ago.

But the kids, I might hurt them and I can't let them see me like this- Argg!!" I cried as dropped to my knees feeling a bigger wave coming. And I'm sure who ever is on this island would feel. The pain was so great I collapsed again, my eyes closing, last thing I saw was the trees, grass, and everything around me.....dying and being eaten away.

Erza POV

Grey, Brandish and I all started walking awhile ago not seeing a clue as yo where we could find Lucy or Natsu, but that that's when I felt it, we all felt it, a dark chilling wave of magic washed over us, instantly I knew it was.

"Lord Zeref" we all said, Brandish still using his formal term as she's used to.

With out a second thought we all headed for Zeref, thinking he was our best chance to find Natsu.


Zerra and I walked along looking for Lucy and .. ......*cough* Zeref, Lance trailing behind muttering to himself. But suddenly a dark presents washed over me coming from a particular direction. Knowing it had to be Zeref, thought to my self that where Zeref is, Lucy might definitely be there. My mind was then shifted and set on finding Lucy again, completely forgetting everything ( including the kids) else as I took off in the direct I felt the wave.

"Uuuhh?! Did he just ditch us !?) Lance scoffed.

"Natsu- uh ,I mean uncle Natsu!! Where are you going!?!?! Hey wait up!!!" Zerra said waving her hands and running after Natsu, Lance now, again, having no choice but to tail them.

Lucy POV

Virgo, Leo and I started walking in the last direction I remembered feeling Zeref's presence , after I got my clothes that is, but suddenly I felt it and even from so far away ot felt strong, 'oh god Zeref he must be in so much pain!'

"Loki! Virgo!" I shouted in alert .

"Yeah we know, I feel it, lets go!" And with we touch off.

Normal POV

Zeref lied on the falling in and out of consciousness, but fought his now heavy eyes to open, when he heard a voice.

Her voice. Calling his name.

"Zeref!" Lucy shouted, tears threatening to fall has she ran to him, he just played there, in an open field, now dead and burnt by his immense cursed power.

"" Zeref managed to say tired and weakened.

"Zeref, honey don't worry I'm here" Lucy said reaching Zeref and proping his head up on her lap, and pouring some water in to his mouth.

"Come on we have to get you hom-"

"Lucy." Zeref interrupted breathlessly.

"Yeah , what is it ?"

"Y-you have to get the kids, and you all need to get off the island, quickly.

At this Lucy's tears finally fell.

"W-what I can't do that, I-"

"You have too, even though you seem to bear a mark of immunity towards me, Lance and Zeref haven't...and it would crush me if I take their mother away from them by you staying here or even worse ....hurting them. So please you have to."

Lucy understood but couldn't bring herself to answer as she stared wide and teary eyed at Zeref's sad smile.

Suddenly Zeref curse started to act up again.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed in pain.

Lucy didn't know what to do, physical contact with her didn't seem to work any more. All she could do was hug him and cry in to his neck.

'Someone please help us.'

Natsu POV

I knew I was close like really close really close, I could feel it, but unfortunately those kids were still following me they could get hurt 'damn.'

I turn around to catch their attentions to stop but.................
They ran right pass me..." _ "......?

"Hey guys STOP!" I shout but they didn't stop, so I ran after them.

Lucy POV

I didn't know what to do, heck I couldn't do anything.

I don't wanna be separated form Zeref and Leave him. But Zerra and Lance wouldn't survive here and I couldn't let them go either.

"Mommy!" "Daddy!"

*gasp* suddenly I hear Lance and Zerra. I looked up and to my horror they were running towards us.

I looked down at Zeref a second, he didn't see or hear them he was in too much pain, and he was going to blow. Another black wave was release from him passing through me like a cold breeze but heading straight towards the kids.

"LANCE, ZERRA NOOOO!!!" I screened as they disappeared in the wall of black mist.

I dropped to my knees not knowing what to think, Zeref was out cold now , God he is going to be so torn. A fountain of tears flooded my eyes as I berries my face into hands sobbing loudly.

" hey Mister, wake up." Came s small voice.

Look up through the clearing mist to see Zerra and Lance ALIVE, how and they were kneeling in front of someone.

"Zerra, Lance?" I said shakily .

They both turned to me with saddened expressions.

" Mommy you have to help him!" Zerra said with pleading eyes. They didn't seem to remember Zeref ...good much explaining to do.

I get up and make my over to them, who was it who saved them and how are they still in one piece.

*gasp* "N-Natsu" I said in perfect shock covering my mouth. I knelt down beside him. Luckily, He was still breathing, I should have know he's probably the oy person other than me who could survive that.

A small smile came to my lips as I stroked his hair.

"...Lucy." came Natsu's voice as he opened his eyes and grinned that famous dragon slayer toothy grin.

End of chapter 18

I know your disappointed... But all i have to say is I'm really really really sorry .....major writers block ...but I want advice should I make this a happy ending or a tragic one you decide.

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