Chapter:2 Your Name?

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.....somewhere in the middle of the ocean on a mysterious island,

Lucy POV

My head was pounding and my stomach was churning like just rode a rollercoaster 10 times over,I tried opening my eyes but I felt heavy. My face felt ,like someone was breathing on me, warm.

"Ooowww.......what happen-" I froze, as I opened my eyes ...just inches away from my face ,the dark wizard responsible for many people's distress and deaths ,the person responsible for the present war....the dark wizard...Zeref!? I stopped my train of thought,although I still couldn't move but I calmed a bit, at his face. This was the first time I've been this near I stared at his face it was hard to think 'he' was Zeref the evil black wizard! His face looked peaceful, yet distressed and tired, he just look a normal cute,teenage boy,no older then m-....wait did I just say 'cute' .

Just then Zeref's face wrinkled and he shifted, I shot up off the ground and slowly backed up as some quivered moans escaped his lips,but I abruptly stopped cuz I hit a tree which was keeping me less three feet away from Zeref and I couldn't move (darn!) I could only look on anxiously for his eyes to open.

Zeref POV

This pain is so familiar,guest it happened again, it's that power draining and head splitting feeling I got when I went in to my sleeping state, now another period of gods knows how many years of dangerous, unconventional, inconvenient, power-surges and isolation, well I don't have anything to do ,or any way to go right now, might as well lay here and regroup.

And I wonder how Mavis managed to get a physical body to cast that sealing which only she knows couldn't have, that sneaky little sneaky brat .My forces should have by now, they're like headless chickens with out a leade-.....wait I feel another presences, but who and how?

I open my eyes slowly, still feeling drained, and I see ...a, girl? , backed up against a tree, less then three away from me, she look anxious and afraid, (hm figures), but strangely not scared enough (or it could just be me being paranoid).

I tried to sit up, the girl didn't flinch, but she kept her gaze on me ,her face worried with only a hint of fear. As a sat up a wave of draining pain hit me again.

Lucy POV

'Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God!',he's getting UP!..but he looks tired, then suddenly his gazed turn to me for a second I couldn't breath. His eyes, looked painfully sad, for a second I forgot he was evil. His then suddenly flashed bright, glowing red and he grabbed his in pain groaning.

(Saying I forgot he was evil was evil was understatement !!)
My mind went blank and I made my way over to him,he starting to screen in agony back away from me muttering incoherent words after every breath of a screen .

"A-are you al-alright,what's wrong?" I asked bearing him with out thinking.

He looked up at me, glowing red eyes, filled with loneliness, pain and suffering.

"Y-You have to get away from me,NOW!" He shouted stepping away from me.

"B-but..." I stuttered out as he suddenly he dropped to his knees and an black aura started to surround him and spread through out the area, killing and wilting everything in it's path.

I couldn't breath, I couldn't move,I couldn't react, all I could do was stare and think 'I'm gonna die.'

The black mist emitting from Zeref almost reached me me when my keys started glowing, it then glowed brighter causing me to close my eyes, the mist disappeared and opened my eyes and looked at my keys,they were thing slightly glowing but what caught my eye was a also slightly glowing gold pendant around my neck shape like a lock.

When I raised my head my head a everything around Zeref was dead, except me, and he was on his knees panting heavily his eyes were normal again.

I let out the breath, I didn't know I was holding,and looked at him, he then looked at me with tired eyes.

"W....(huf)......why....(huf) did you try to help me and how are you still alive ??"

I pulled my self, and made my way over to him, he look like he wanted to run away from me (which is ironic cause cuz he's the one who dangerous.)

"I-I-I don't know" I said, cuz I really didn't.

Zeref turn to me, panting lightly, stood up and walked to me, unconsciously took a step back when he stopped less than two feet away from me.

"Well..." He begun with a tired and a small, yet surprisingly 'cute' smile....I'm not currently 'dark evil wizard' right now , so no need to fear me , who might you be?

I stared at him, I did know what to do, his piercing gaze on me ,I didn't know what to say(your name stupid)

"Well?" He said pulling me out of my mental squabble.

" L-L-Lucy H-Heart-Heartfiellia," I chocked out sticking out my hand like a complete idiot, and I couldn't pull it back, my body won't listen (and he's evil what I'm I doing?)

But then something weird happened his eyes softened,with confusion built up in them and he look and worriedly at my hand and then at his. He hesitated to grabbed my hand, finally taking my hand, rather slowly, they were surprisingly warm.

"Well L-Lucy, my names Zeref Dragneel ." he said almost shyly.

'Oh My God, did he just stutter and I already kno-....WAIT'

"Dr-Dr-Dragneel?!" I said unbelieving

End of chapter 1

Wwwwwooo I spent almost the whole day writing ....I don't really have ideas ....I have some but it mostly just comes to as I write if you have an idea or opinion, let me know..kk,oh and I'm thinking of doing another story but I need couples ,so plz giving suggestions..kk...luv u guys.

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