Chapter 7:Huggs

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Lucy POV

I felt the sun light on face making it warn, but refused to open my eyes, cuz I've just had the most relaxing bit of sleep in like...forever, the funny thing being, I slept to the floor.

I let out a heaved sigh, and opened my eyes-

All the blood in body went rushing to my face, the universe must love waking me up with this trick,mere inches away from my face was Zeref's sleeping face.

I was slowly sitting up when I noticed a small smile on his calm face.

I sat there staring, the smile was small, calm...cute even his midnight hair covering his eyes, just looking at him you wouldn't believe who he his was.

Right then and there did I decide to change him, to help him, we are now officially not enemies.

Now I couldn't hold back anymore, I gently pushed a lock of hair away from his eyes and behind his ear...his skin was so smooth for a guy (of course that might happen if your strong enough to whip a whole army's ass without even lifting a finger)
He had the most handsome and beautiful face, and it was so innocent which is quite ironic.

I stared at him and caressed his face awhile, but he suddenly started to moving. I was panicking so much I didn't even I made to the edge of the fire which is over three feet away from Zeref. His eyes then lazily flew open, he sat up and started feeling his face (oh god).

"Uh, hey are you OK?" I asked hoping he didn't know.

He looked at me his face tinted with pink-"uh...yes, I'm fine, just a really weird dream, I think?

My sweat dropped, and I was determined to change the subject, so I shoved an apple in his face.


"Uh..thank."he said awkwardly.

We both just sat there eating a bunch of fruits, staring off into our own world, but then there I started to think about, something I wanted to know.

"Zeref?" I said bringing him out of his daze.

"Yes, Lucy ?"

"C-can you tell me about you and Natsu?" I asked trying to use puppy eyes on him.

I looked at me for a moment, then his gaze softened-

"Sure," he said with a small smile.

The morning went by pretty quickly, I could tell, Zeref wasn't lying at all now, the story brought a rollercoaster of emotions to his face. (A/N I really wanna explain this its in the manga but basically-) Zeref told me about how Natsu died really, really young, and how he tried to bring back his brother, when he was only a small child, himself. But the elders rejected his creations (A/N creations like tower of heaven, eclipse etc.) saying that life and death us taboo. But he kept trying, but unbelievable part was that the. Gods did not appreciate his efforts, and cursed him, making him kill when what he loved and more for all eternity. He then told how I succeeded in bring back Natsu, but he now had a purpose for Natsu, to destroy him.

I could tell he went through a lot, and I understood him, I could tell he loved his brother, Natsu a lot, and regretted the lives he UN-purposely took, and I fully intended on keeping that promise I made to myself to help Zeref.

Zeref POV

I told Lucy my story, we sat there silently and few minutes, she looked like she was contemplating on how to react.

After a few more seconds, Lucy stood up, came closer to me and kneel down in front of my (really closely for some reason) she looked at straight in my eyes and............hugged me!?

"W-what are y-you doing!? I stuttered in shock.

"Hugging you silly ," she giggled in my ear.

Her warm arms were tied around my neck, her ample chest pressed up against my chest, her body was, so warm, and for a person who's been on an uninhabited island for more than a week, smelt nice, like strawberry and vanilla.

"Zeref" she called breaking me from my daze.

"Mmm?!" I answered no being able to form words.

"Hug me back, you'll feel good " she said.

I did as she said, and she was right, I don't know if it was the hug or her, either way it felt good, I got lost in her, I hugged her a little tighter then I should've,I Berried my face in her neck, resting on her golden hair. I've never felt so relaxed in my live.

Lucy POV

Zeref tighten his grip on me and his breath, I felt his warm breath on my neck, his face felt warn as, my however was burning up, my cheeks stained red. As much as I knew Zeref needed this, I did too.

We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, enjoying each others 'close' company. It looked like neither of of knew when to pulled away.

But as if on cue....puff.....Virgo appeared in here cloud of smoke, with a bag in hand.

"Uhh....princess?"said Virgo.

Zeref and I whipped away from each other but not far enough, ours deers were still touching, both of our face were pink.

"Hey Virgo what's up" I said faking a smile.

"My apologies princess, I just came to drop off today's living supplies, will be receiving punishment!"

"What, N-n-no, no!"

"As you wish. I will be returning now" Virgo said with a bow, but before she did, she suddenly turn to Zeref, who was impassively watching the exchange besides me.

"You may continue making love to my Prinsess, My Lord." And at that last comment, she disappeared.

She left both of us red and stunned.

"My Lord?" Zeref muttered

"M-m-making l-love!?" I stuttered in shock.

"Lucy" called Zeref pulling me out of my shock.

"Uh,yeah?" I answered

"Why'd she address me as 'My Lord?' He asked.

"Well.....yah see....I kinda told her that your a feudal lord name Ferez, which is Zeref backwards, and your stuck here too, and your protecting me protecting me...cuz if I told her who you were my spirits might down here one by one to try and fight yeah. I said fiddling with my fingers trying not to look at him.

"Okay" he said .

We sat there a few seconds before I decided to take a bath.

"I-I should probably take a bath." I said as I stood up, turned around, and walking towards the lake.

"Lucy" Zeref called like he was out of breath.

"Yes?" I said as I turned around confused.

"T-thank you, f-for asking, for listening and especially for the...the hug." He said not looking at me but with a small smile on his lips.

I could help but smile.

"Your Welcome."

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