Chapter 20: Long time no see

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Normal POV

"Natsu what are we gonna do ...I -I don't wanna leave him!" Lucy said a single tear steaming down her cheak.

"Lucy what do you mean?" Natsu said softly rubbing Lucy's back gently.

"Zeref. He-He told I should leave, the island and take the kids with me. For my own safety...but-but I CAN'T! I can't...I just can't." She said busting into uncontrollable tears.

Natsu said nothing. He just slightly hugged and rubbed her back until she let it all out. He too didn't know what to do.

"We'll figure something out Lucy" He said comforting her.

Lucy sniffed a few times before standing up and whipping her face , putting on a small but brave smile holding out her hand.

" Come its getting late, we should start a fire and get some water, and some food, for Lance and Zerra for when they wake up." She said lightly smiling.

Natsu took her hand stood up " uh ok but shouldn't one of us look after all three of them?"

"Oh, no its fine... The barrier around the kids are enough protection  plus shelter, and besides nothing comes near Zeref anyway, he could be unconscious for a whole week in the middle of now where and still not be approached." Lucy half-heartedly joked leading Natsu pass a few trees to a small pond with little fruits trees around it, Fortunately unharmed by Zeref's black mist.

"Whoa! You sure know your way around here!?" Natsu said picking some blueberries.

"He he yeah, living here for seven years has its perks.

Natsu stepped nearer to the pond slightly confused.

"Um Lucy, what do we put the water in and I don't think I could fit all these fruits in my pock- *gasp* where did you get that basket and-and that bucket?!" Natsu said a little too loudly.

"Oh I made it, its called tinker magic, you take something to fix or make something totally different entirely." Lucy said kneeling at the bank dipping in water.

"Here get some more fruit and put in the basket." Lucy said handing Natsu a basket.

Natsu was astounded at how many spells Lucy's learn, and just smiled meekly and nodded heading to a fruit tree-

"Natsu!" Came a low angry  voice in front of Natsu, sending shivers down his spine.

"You are so dead !?" The voice said again.

"B-b-but I-you see-I am-Spear me please spare me!" Natsu begged on his knees.

"You are in big big trouble! You hear me! After I specifically told you to wait-"

"Erza?" Lucy questions softly standing up.

"Lucy." Erza said breathlessly releasing her grip on Natsu's shirt.

Before they knew Lucy was in an almost death lock hug by Erza, but Lucy played along for a while before she definitely couldn't breath.

"Lucy I'm so glad your alright and its been so long- "

"Uh Era ..I-I can't breath!" Lucy breathe out.

"O-oh Sorry!" She panicked putting Lucy softly down, Lucy inhaled and smiled happily at Erza almost tearing up. If you didn't know Erza before you would never know how much she matured, you could see in her face although she still looked youth full, and she tried something new with her hair, which was a bit longer, putting it in to curls.

"So I guest we might have some catching up to do and a lot of explaining" Lucy said squeezing Erza's hands giving a nervous smile.

"Hey Erza where's the others?" Natsu asked dusting his pants.

"They went that way." She said simply pointing in the direction of the field.

"What!? Come on Lucy we gotta go!" Natsu said taking Lucy's hand and taking off. Erza quickly followed behind confused.

With Grey and Brandish

*gasp* Brandish let out a loud gasp at the sight before her.

"Hey Brandish what wrong?" Grey called from behind a tree.

"L-L-Lord Zeref!?" She finished Gray joining at her side.

"Zeref." He said, his voice seeping with profound hatred. Happy, for once, stayed quiet, staring at the scene with wide, tired and worried eyes.

Grey was the first to snap of of their shock, and walked towards Zeref's slumped, unconscious form. 

"W-What are you doing?" Happy asked slightly scared. Grey didn't answer, he just storked closed to the unconscious dark mage, face filled with one of annoyance and dislike.

"Grey, Brandish, Happy where are you guys!"

"Natsu!?" Happy piped as he flew out of Brandish's hands.

"Happy!" Natsu breathed out "Guys Don't touch him and you have to back up like, now!"

"Who do you think your ordering around, huh!?" Grey snapped.

"I'm just trying to save your life you wussy ice princess!"

"Flame brain!"

"Snow flake!"






Just then Happy, Brandish and Grey heard a very familiar giggle coming from behind Natsu.

"Hehe I see you two never change." Lucy said giving a big smile.

"Lucy?!" Three of them said in unison. "Luccccy!" Happy cried flying into her arm crying in her chest.

"Hey there Happy, Grey and...........Brandish!?" Lucy said after  giving  Grey a quick hug and smile leaving ice mage, still frozen in place from shock.

"I see you joined fairytail." Lucy stated. Brandish only nodded as she was beyond even though she was sent to find Lucy.

"I'm glad." She simply said suddenly giving Brandish a big hug, Brandish was momentarily stunned but eventually hugged her back.

Suddenly Erza cleared her throat ending the reunion mood.

"Sorry to break this up, but priorities of business, #1 I'll deal with you two for fighting," she pointed at Natsu and Grey who instantly shuddered, " and #2 there's a unconscious dark wizard in front of us, what do we do?"

Natsu and Lucy gave each other a look and nodded.

"I guest I have some explaining to do," Lucy sigh, but you guys shouldn't be too close to Zeref."

"But is he-"

"I'll answer all your questions, but you guys who'd step back a bit."

"Uh Lucy we should get the fire going before they get cold, their probably still asleep too." Natsu said lighting a fire near Zeref and walking towards Zerra and Lance.

"What do you mean 'they' ?" Grey questioned, the rest following behind.

"Who are these kids and what are they doing here?" Erza cooked at the sleeping children," are they lost where's their mother?"

Lucy chuckles nervously," nooo, t-they not lost, and their mother's right here hehe."

"Oh OK........WHAT!?" Erza and Grey shouted.

            End Of Chapter 20
I think i know how to end this, maybe  ., in so excited my bday 4 June go Gemini!!!


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