Chapter: 28

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Zeref POV

My heart aches as I helplessly and silently watch the Fairytail boat sail further and further away from the island, my became glassy and watery, but i refused to let a single tear fall.

My dearest brother, my love you is what made me the man I am today, although Many times through out my hundreds of year I felt lonely, thinking of how to go about things differently, I never once regretted wanting to see your bright innocent, smile again and bringing you bringing back to this world. I hope you truly find happiness.

My dear children, I've never in my life I've have kids of my own, but I do and I love both of you so.

Zerra my sweat little warrior princess, your always so strong and brave I you stay that way just don't get too curious and put you or your brother in danger, but I know when you grow up you'll be one the strongest females mages in the world.

And Lance, I know your really shy and not so much if a social butterfly, and  I don't blame you, you kinda got it from me anyway,.... but either way, your the man of the house now, I know your really smart and really determined when you put your mind, so your responsible for looking after your sister and mother and just like your sister I know your both gonna be the strongest. And by the way when you get older keeps jerk away from your sister your allow to put a curse on them just not deadly or 'too' painful one. Okay? Love you guys.

Finally stepping in the middle of the island, a ring of light appeared around me as my magic began to serge through my a light glow radiating from my body.

It was refreshing having my full power back for a few hours but there it goes again.

Raising my arm to the side of me I focused all my magic to the island, my began too flow again as i did

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