Chapter 17: Time to find them.

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Lucy POV

That's all I saw.
My head was pounding.
I'm awake. A least, I think I am.

My eyes where heavy but not as heavy as before, allowing me to slowly open them.

I opened my eyes to find myself staring at the sky it was still morning, so I might not have been out for too long, which is shocker, because I feel so tired right now I can't find the strength to even turn my neck.

"I see awake."

My eyes widened I snapped up in alert forgetting the pain but it soon caught up with me, as I reached my sitting position I arched in pain.

" wow, wow hold up you don't wanna hurt you're self again do you now...Mrs. Dragneel."

One of my eyes cracked opened to reveal....Loki?...yes Loki standing at my side.


"In the flesh."

I don't know why but my eyes brimmed with tears as Loki bent down I was about to hug him when-

"Uh-ahhhhhhhh...V-Virgo!?" I stutter when virgo came up behind me making me fall on Loki as she towered over us.

"Virgo!" I glared at her.

"Huh um Lucy your um?-"

I look down at a flustered Loki.

"- oh in sorry Loki, am I heav-"

I look down at Loki but taking a closer finding the cause of his flustered face, I didn't, for some reason, have on any clothes, just a robe, which was now open, and multiple band aids and bandage around my head.

I quickly got off of Loki embarrassed and flustered. I stand up slowing holding my robe close and taking a deep breath. Before I could respond, Virgo shoved my whip in to my hands.

" Is it time for punishment yet princess?" I wanted so much to yell her off but I couldn't, I looked at Virgo then Loki then back at Virgo, My eyes started watering again and ran into her, hugging as hard as I could.

"I- I*sob* missed you guys *sob* so much!" I cried into Virgo, Loki then joined in the hug but we didn't mind at all.

"We missed you too, Lucy" he said.

"How are both of you here, at the same thing, and how long have I been and how-" Loki stopped me by waving his hand in front of him.

"Wow, wow hold on there, now breath...and to answer most your questions, as you can see the barrier is gone allowing all it restricted so everything is back to normal, and you've been out and we've been here watching over you for almost an hour now, by the way the other spirits were here to but decided to go back since so much of us being here might affect you." He explained.

" uh OK ....but HEY wait where's my clothes!?" I glared at them both.

Loki flushed and answered, "well uh you see um you hit up yourself pretty bad rolling down that hill and you banged up your head up and all and your clothes were really torn up- I said as Virgo continued "- yes and I took it upon myself to clean your cutts and change your clothes. She said holding up a uniform, from the the celestial spirit world one I use to wear, it brought back memorise.

"Hmp whatever I could change for myself, thank you much, I'm here in the middle of the forest , what would Zeref say.......Zeref!?
Where is he!? Is he okay!?"

"Dunno?" Loki replied.

" I- I- we have to find him!" I panicked and ran off in the direction I last saw him.

"Uh um Lucy your clothes?!" Loki called to me as I froze and looked down, heaving an exaggerated sigh and turn around and head back to them.

Normal POV

" that's the truth, I'm Natsu Dragneel your father's, 'supposed' little brother and Your mom one of my bestest friends and guild mate. do you believe me?" Natsu explained to the kids in front of him.

Both Lance and Zerra looked skeptical but mostly confused, there was a dry silence in air until Zerra stood up and approached Natsu.


"Zerra is something wro-"

Natsu was then taken back by the crushing hug Zerra was giving him.

"U-uncle Natsu!!!" Zerra jeered happily. Natsu smiled and hugged her back almost as tightly. After a moment they both turn to Lance, who surprisingly didn't seem skeptical or unsure, but annoyed.

" so let me get this straight, your not..a jealous lover?!" Lance said.

Natsu's face turned slightly pink at this remark.

"W-what no! And what you know about 'jealous lovers'!?" Natsu asked.

"Our mom writes a lot of novel thingys, how could I not know?!" Was Lance's nonchalant reply.

'Sounds like Lucy alright.' Natsu thought with a sincere smile. He suddenly stood up and dusted off his pants.

" Come on let's go find your parents!" He said beaming.

Without a second thought Zerra followed after him, knowing Lance would have know choice to follow as well.


"He is so dead!!" Erza muttered as they got off the boat and was now now gathering on the sand.

"I knew that flame-brain wouldn't listen, probably ran off as soon as he hit shore." Grey scoffed.

" I don't think he did !?" Brandish said walking up to them with a sleeping Happy her hands.

"HAPPY!?!?" Gray and Erza said in disbelief.

"Something must have happened, Happy doesn't seem to be hurt, just sleeping, but Natsu doesn't seem to be around here." Brandish explained.

"Mmm... Where'd you find him?" Erza asked.

"Right over there on that rock." She pointed.

"Mmmm come on, lets get going , and stay on your guard, guess we won't be needing these wrist bands anymore?" Erza said looking at the sky and pocketing the magic wrist bands.

"Grey and Brandish sighed and did the same to their bands.


End of chapter 17

Whoa things are kinda about to heat up pretty soon, and almost at the end yay. This was my first story so be nice please and I've thought about making a short sequel about of the obvious pairing at the beginning if the story which was Natsu and Brandish( btw whats Brandish's hair colour i think its green but i prefer it as a white or silver...oh or pink!? Read enjoy feedback?? Later.

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