Chapter 26: Talk

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Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

Normal POV

"This is where you live?" Erza questioned.

"Yup!" Answered Lucy.

"It wasn't here before right?"

"No. Zeref built it."

"By hand?" Natsu asked.

"Some by hand, some by magic." Zeref replied.

"I thought when you were in the magic barrier you lose your power?" Grey asked suspiciously.

"Correction, I don't lose my power, my powered levels are drained and used to make the barrier itself, hence I can't break it when most of my is power what's what's stopping me from breaking the barrier, it only takes away a certain amount, leaving me the power of any normal middle class wizard."

Grey huffed abd turned away clearly defeated.

"Come on guys, it may be small but you guys could freshen up!"
Lucy, jeered trying to break the tension.

Grabbing Natsu and Brandish, Zerra raced into the house.

"Come on, come see my sword collection!"

"Sword collection?" Erza asked raising an eye brow.

Lucy chuckle nervously scratching her head. "Uh well you see, for a girl and the youngest, she's certainly infatuated with stuff that are fairly dangerous?"

"Oh!" Grey began teasingly looking straight at Zeref " I see, she must have got it from her mother, aligning herself with dangerous things- owww! Erza!?"

"Shall we go inside?" Erza said innocently, but yet holding authority.


"Lucy your home, is so quaint and lovely?" Erza said, she too trying to ease the tension.

Not seeing Zeref in the room, Grey immediately became suspicious.

"Hey Lucy?!" Grey said interrupting, her Erza and Brandish's trip down memory lane.

"What is it Grey?" Lucy asked politely.

"Where's your.....husband at?"

Lucy heaved a sigh, wondering why she didn't expect this.

"He's out side, walking with his son, Lance, unlike Zerra, hasn't taken very well to meeting new people, so he needs space. Any more questions?"

Gray huffed and turned away in defeat, letting the ladies continue their conversation.

'I still don't trust the bastard!' Grey thought.

With said 'bastard' (Zeref)

Zeref and Lance where just quietly sitying by tne lake, in a comfortable silence, till Lance spoke up.


"Mm?" Zeref hummed, his gaze still on the calm water of the lake.

"Those.....those people, can we trust them?"

Zeref smiled softly, turning to his son and ruffling his hair.

"Of course you can, their your mother's friends.....her family aren't they?! She told about them before right?"

"I....I suppose. They sure are the weirdest people I've ever met."

"Lance, besides us, their the only people you've met."


Zeref turned back to the water his face neutral now.

"Besides, your gonna have to get along with them and other people sometime. One day when I'm not around, your gonna be the little man of house, and your gonna have look after and protect your little sister and your mother and-"

"Dad what are you saying?"

"I......nothing forget about it."

".....are you leaving to go somewhere."

"I......No.  I'm not going anyway."(AN/emphasis on I'M hint hint)

"Um....okay but-"

"Come on lets go in side your mother will be worried."

"Uh okay."

Zeref and Lance got up and started walking back to the house in silence, when they arrived they where met with the smell of cooking.

Closing the door he made his way to the kitchen, trying his best to not run in to Lucy's other guild mates, Lance trying to do the same but to his room.

Zeref POV

Reaching the kitchen door, Lucy wasn't the only ones in the room, the red head 'Erza' I presumed, and ...........Brandish..... Since when does she cook?

Not feeling for the social interaction, I tried to back away slowly but I wasn't very fortunate.

"Honey! Your back!!" Lucy chirp putting down a roasted turkey on the table, since when do we have turkey- ooff!!! I was brought out of my thoughts by Lucy crashing her lips into mine.

-I'm going to miss the feel and taste of her lips on mine.

Pulling away I look in to her big brown, beautiful eyes, that were filled to the brim with new found happiness.

Of course she'd be happy, she has a family and she just got back her old family, I can't take that happiness away from her, that why I have to do this.

Remembering We weren't in the room alone, I glance around Lucy see Brandish and the Titania eyeing, especially the Titania she looked some what surprised.

Lucy turned my attention back to Lucy as she begun to speak,

"Is Lance, okay he doesn't seem to keen around other people?"

"He fine now, he just said their a little weird."

"Haha they are aren't they." Lucy giggled.

"Okay! Dinner's almost done, with enough to feed fairtail mages, mainly Natsu's 'dragon' sized appetite, and don't worry I made leafy, no-meat treats for my one and only.

"You...don't eat meat?" Titania piped up.

", I'm vegetarian, actually." I answered making Titania look very surprised, I know I wasn't exactly a saint, even though most of the things I did where indirect, but did they think I was some 10 foot cannibalized demon with horns growing out of my head.

********************************Short but I gave it to you and I don't know how to sum this all up if you have suggestions.

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