Chapter 24: I'm E.N.D

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Normal POV

Natsu and Zeref were still playfully bickering with each other, not even remembering what started it.

Zerra and Lance spectated comfused, but amused, sometimes being pulled the conversation to pick sides, especially Zerra. Lucy just stood there in her own world with a small smile on her face.

"What's going on here?" A slightly irritated voice called, breaking everyone from what they were doing.

Grey stood their with his arms folded, Erza and Brandish in tail his cold stared surveying over everyone, his eyes lingering on the dark mage.

There was a silent tension growing in the air, even Zerra and Lance sensed it, they too choosing to stay silent.

Shocking, Brandish was the first to break the tensive staring contest as she walked forward in Zeref's direction. Stopping right in front of him, all eyes were on them as their faces were both equally neutral.

"Your Majesty."

Erza and Grey face palmed as Brandish rose back yo her feet.

"I should have seen this coming after her little speech yesterday." Grey mumbled rubbing his temples.

"Brandish. Good to see you choose a path of your own, and that you still honour your home home land." Zeref continued giving a small smile.

"Yes sir. And If it's not to much trouble my friends," she turned to Grey and Erza mostly at Grey, " would like to have a word with you." Zeref sighed and looked to Lucy and Natsu who both gave a reassuring nod.

Zeref sighed and started "I supposed, everyone wants an explanation and have a few questions or so," He motioned for everyone to follow him.

Once everyone was seated Zeref nodded at Lucy as she summoned Aries and turned to the kids.

"Lance, Zerra why don't you too go play with aunty Aries ?"

"You mean she's staying for a while and we actually get to play with her?" Zerra said unbelieving, As Lucy nodded in reply.

The kids beamed as they followed Aries further out into the field.

Aries nodded shyly in assurance to her master.

When they were out of side, every one turned expectantly at Zeref. Grey frowning.

"Well why!?" He pressed on.

Zeref turned to the ice mage in front of him feeling slightly nervous, an innocent look inching its way on his face.

".......why what ?" He asked honestly. That simple retort almost made Grey blow his top. Lucy and Natsu sitting beside Zeref turned away sweating bullets waiting for Grey's out lash, but its never came. They looked up at the ticking time bomb in front of them. Grey just sat there with his eyes closed, taking a deep and long breath Erza's hands on his shoulder.


Grey suddenly stood and moved back giving Erza the seat in front, he himself retreating to her previous seat behind them, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Now...Zeref," Erza begun rekindling their attention. "We have in the past questioned Brandish about why you wanted to destroy....well...everything. But she insisted that she didn't know she was but a servant of the king and did what she was told, and we believe her, so we want to hear from you Zeref, directly from the king himself. So .....why."

Zeref face turned serious at Erza's statement but them soften with disappointment. Which was noted by Erza.

Zeref heaved a sigh and turned his head to the sky, and gave a sad smile.

"You know....." He began peaking everyone's interest, "....I don't really know anymore....I didn't really have a choice persè, I can't die. It's was either I kill people intentionally or unintentionally, I decided to reject the world that rejects me.

At the memory of his past intentions Zerefs eyes began burning red making everyone freeze the tension didn't last long as Lucy quickly grabbed his hand and gave it a firm squeeze, his eyes quickly returning to normal as he blinked, an apologetic look taking place on his face.

Looking up at Lucy she gave a small smile, feeling a hand on his shoulder he turn to Natsu who gave him a reassuring nodd.

After that little incident Zeref continued with his 'explanation' telling them about his and Natsu's past , bringing him back to life, the purpose of the book of E.N.D, Tartaros and-

"Wait!?" Grey interrupted at the mention of E.N.D.

"What?" Zeref asked cautiously. Feeling the nervousness radiating from Natsu.


Natsu looked up. Serious with a hint of nervousness written on his face as he look at his friends precisely at his ice mage friend.

"'s okay....I'll do it."

" Natsu what are you talking about?" Erza questioned sensing the growing tension.

Natsu stood hesitantly pull out a book from his jacket, making everyone (excluding Zeref and Lucy) gasp as grey jump to his feet.

"E.N.D." The ice wizard said pure disdain dripping from his lips.

"Natsu! Why do you have that!?Grey shouted.

Natsu ignored his question bowing his head to look at the book in his hands, asking his own question.

"Grey, do you still wanna destroy this book?" He said his bangs blocking his face.

"Of course I do! But why do have that!?"

Natsu now look up at Grey with a slightly pained look as he gave a saddened chuckle.

"Because I'm unable to keep my heart in my chest, unlike normal people."


"Natsu?" Brandish spoke up.

"Natsu, what are you saying." Erza said.

Natsu heaved a deep sigh " I'm saying......I'm E.N.D."

"What!" All three breathed out.

"How!?" Erza mumbled out.

"Natsu you- Grey began disbelief written on his face. Zeref sensing the growing tension intervened.

"He didn't know!" He stood up.


"What do you mean?"

"*sigh* I'll explain. And so before Grey could go on a rampage he began with an explanation again thoroughly this time .

******************************** __________End of Chapter 24

I have serious writers block, and yaoi fever for some reason................. Don't judge me..... Any way will update as soon as I can. And i might make a story about just the brother ly relationship between Natsu and Zeref..IDK and check out my next story if you want!! Later

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