chapter4: Only I Can.

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Lucy POV

I woke up thinking,that what happened was a dream but, I took a look around taking in the forest place, that I knew felt familiar, the bento box at my side and the outed camp Zeref?

The forest was bright and sunny, it looked kinda beautiful, and since it wasn't dark anymore I could see around better now. Which got me to notice .... 'A Lake yes'.

I passed the trees to get to the lake, and I got there was breath taking beautiful.

"Wow!" I muttered to my self in amazement .

Is was a beautiful lake with a small mountain that looked like a balcony with a medium water fall,with big shiny rocks at its sides,but a smooth sandy front right ahead of me at its opening with clear ,blue water,the sight was breath taking.

Just then I saw Zeref a few meters away ...he was looking at a flower ,he was smiling ,and he was reaching out to grabbed it ....but when he touched it, it suddenly turned to ashed and blew off into the wind.

Zeref faced dropped he look so sad, almost on the verge of tears maybe, as he had his hand still reached out for the flower.

He then dropped his hand like there lifeless and turned around out of the clearing, and. I. Couldn't see him again. Sometimes I can't help but pity him.

leaving those thoughts behind, I walk to an end of the lake and took of my clothes behind a rock and relaxed in the water.

The was was so clear, a I could see my reflection, and that's when I noticed the pendent was gone....I look around to see if I dropped it, but it wasn't, but I swore I could still feel it a the base of my neck I decided to check my reflection one more time, and that's when I notice what looked like a tattooed key at the spot the pendent.

Some how the pendent merged with my body, causing the symbol to morph from a lock to a key.

After my bath I headed back to the 'camp site' its not like I have anything better to do,but I was so I hung the rest of my food from yesterday (mostly bread and fruits now) from a tree and decided to talk a walk.

I knew this was Tenrou island, and if felt familiar, but I wasn't to familiar with this part of the island, not even the lake was familiar.

I walked in to a beautiful field with bright red and pink flowers. But I noticed Zeref right on the out skirts of the valley,on the in other side, looking like now came back from somewhere, watching the flowers, what seem to be a dear and it's baby.

Just then I saw something in the shadowy figure of the forest behind him, it was a pack of about 5 wolves, I know I shouldn't care about him in any, maybe if he dies the barrier with come down...but I can't think that way. He was powerless.

Having a mental squabble with myself, I couldn't move, all I could do was look on.

Suddenly he turned around , I suddenly jolted forward, to him....but 'crap no keys' and I stopped a few feet a way from Zeref of the middle of the flower patch .....but what happening confused me. The great Zeref was begging ...I think?

"Please don't come near me, I don't want to hurt you!" He yelled at the wolves but they only proceeded ....and then. They pounced, lounging towards him.

"Nooooo!" I screen for, the reason I don't kniw .

Zeref cover his face with his arms and closed his eyes.

But just as the wolves were about to me contact ......they all suddenly turn to ashes and fell to the ground scattering.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But it looked unintentional.

Zeref then dropped his hand and fixed his gaze to were the wolves last stood.

"I wish it could have been the other way one can kill me, no one can cleanse me."he said bitterly to the wolves ashes.

He then turn around to me, his bangs covering his eyes, but I can see ......tears.....streaming down his face.

"You should get back, and stay near the lake and where you were at all times, not safe out here, for you." He said to me, never meeting his covered eyes.

"Uh ...OK ..but do you know how long we're gonna be here?" I asked trying not to sound nervous.

"For the longest 3 years tops....and just know you don't age in side the barrier if your a magic user.....anymore questions?"he asked impassively finally meeting my gazed, around his eyes still a little moistened.

"N-no thank." I said when he was just about to walk forward to head back, his eyes flashed re and he suddenly drop to his knees in pain and he was surrounded by black must again, holding Hus head in agony .

"Uuuuugggg.....y-you have to get away !" He yelled ...but I couldn't, instead I felt warn sensation where the pendent was.

Zeref's was now spreading king killing everything in its path .

But I felt something come over me and I swiftly made my way over to Zeref, knelt in front of him and for some reason his mist only felt like small cold breeze.

I then grabbed is face and looked straight in to his eyes. Which where glowing, bright red, fill with intense pain and loneliness, there then was a sudden blast of golden light from where the pendent tattoo was at neck .....Zeref's mist suddenly vanished his eyes back to its original dark colour, and hands dropped.

Where stayed like that for few a seconds, him looking at me confused and tired, panting heavily, and me kneeling on the ground just looking at him both my hand cupping his smooth cheeks. But he the suddenly passed out, and fell into my arms.

I don't know how I helped him,

I don't why I helped him,

I don't know how I'm not ashes yet,

I don't know how I can be around him,

But what I do know, is it looks like I'm the only one who can.


End of chapter 4

Yeah chapter four. And I finished it early ...I kinda had to school today and training afterwards on till like 7 so yeah gull schedule... Any plz vote and read tell me what you think soon yeah enjoys!!

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