Chapter 17

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The things I had to do as Dominic's manservant weren't that bad, all I really did was make sure his armor was tied right or that his clothes were clean then I sat in my chambers which were connected to Dominic's.
The part that made it terrible was that I could not leave the room without Dominic.
But I could deal with loneliness, I had a perfect view of the garden from the window so I entertained myself by watching people.
"Its been almost a week now correct?" Dominic asked as I strapped in his chest plate.
"I think." God he had nice arms. Muscular and strong, I wish I was built like he was, maybe then my father would defend me.
Dominic cleared his throat as I had frozen in thought.
"Oh sorry I was thinking." I returned to tying the knots of his armor.
"About what?"
I was not going to tell him that I was envying his looks and honestly enjoying being his manservant.
"My sister, I'm worried no one will take her on walks."
Dominic turned around to face me and I wanted to kick him in the knee.
I hated how he was taller than I was.
And I hated how I couldn't look away from those piercings electric eyes.
"That's what you're thinking about? Wow you really are a overprotective brother."
Stop looking at me with that smirk.
"Well she is my little sister I have to watch over her."
"Doesn't she have a handmaiden?"
Dominic's hair was a mess and I wanted to run my fingers through it and fix it.
"She doesn't like them, says they aren't fun."
"And you are!?" Dominic laughed and my left knee buckled.
God he had a cute laugh.
A snorty high-pitched laugh.
"Are you alright? Your knee just gave out." Dominic titled his head like a dog and my knees felt weak again.
"Uh, yes sorry I'm fine."
His eyes suddenly widen.
"You just smiled."
"You just smiled for the first time. Wait do you smile when you lie?"
"Obviously not." I shook my head. I don't think I do any type of physical thing when I lie.
"Are you saying you've been lying to me?"
My facial expression my have answered for me because Dominic gasped dramatically and put his hand on his white gleaming chest plate.
"You are in so much trouble."
Excuse me?

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