Jun: Long Time No See

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Dedicated to: @NurAthiah

"Push me!" you laugh as you hop on to you and Jun's favorite childhood swing set.

"Once a child always a child," Jun laughs, holding your wasit tightly has he hoists you in the air, then letting you go. Repeating the motion over and over again until you were high enough.

"Who are you calling a child, child." You mock as he quickly runs under your legs while you were up high on the swing, coming out on the other side to push you again.

"Listen," Jun mutters as you slowed yourself on the swing. "I've been wanting to tell you-"

"Yah!" Jun stops in the middle of his sentence as he heard someone from the side of you two shout.

"Seungkwan oppa!" You scream, oblivious to what Jun was just about to confess to you. Jumping into Seungkwan's arms, he spins you around before setting you down, pressing his lips softly to yours. Slipping his hand into yours, you pull him over to the spot Jun was left standing.

Seungkwan greets Jun with a confused smile. "Hey J-"

"When did this happen?" Jun bursts, face red and tired from restlessly trying to hold something important in.

"What do you mean? He asked me out the other day..." you frown.

"And it didn't cross your mind once to run this by me?" Jun's hands are thrown in the air.

"I didn't think I had to!" You yell, ripping your hand from Seungkwan's inching closer to Jun in frustration.

"But I'm your best friend!"

"Exactly! My best friend. Not my boyfriend!" You snap, taking a step back at the word that flew out of your mouth. Seungkwan backed several feet away in an awkward silence. "I can't do this anymore." You audibly sigh, turning around ready to storm away.

A hand latched on to your wrist rather forcefully, and your immediate reaction was to turn your hand and come in contact with the nearest thing, which happened to be Jun's face.

You both stood in astonishment as the mark on his face burned red. Without another word, you ran. With silent tears streaming down your face, you ran from your problems just as you always do. And you didn't look back.

"Are you sure you don't want to say bye to your friends?" Your mom looks at you, face full of concern. The next flight to America was about to take off, and you guys couldn't miss it.

"Wait!" Somone yells from behind you, earning several groans and stares from their peers. Eyes lighting up, you turn your head so fast, almost earning a painful whiplash.

The light in your eyes almost immediately vanished when you saw Seungkwan running your way, and not someone else you were hoping for deep down inside. "I couldn't let you leave without saying good bye."

Seungkwan leans in for a passionate kiss, but you quickly turn your head so his lips come in contact with your temple. With scrunched eyebrows, you give him a sad last hug. "I don't think we should be together anymore if I'm going this far away. I'm going to miss you and the boys." Your voice noticably cracked on the boys.

Shrugging it off, you leave Seungkwan in the distance while you lugged your bags behind you, following your parents into the plane headed for America.

You've gone three long years without being in Korea. Three long years without seeing your boys. And you weren't the same. Your parents noticed, everyone did. They tried to talk to you, but you'd never listen. And everyday would drag on in agonizing pain, just itching for the memories and happiness you once had.

That's why you walking down the streets of Seoul by yourself, for you couldn't handle it anymore in America. You were too fed up, and even if it meant things wouldn't be the same, you at least wanted to start new. Start over again.

The boys on the other hand never stopped thinking about you. They talked about you everyday, not even resting.

Except for Jun. He just sat aimlessly listening in on their conversations about you, but he never had anything to say himself.

You continued walking the streets of Seoul, slowing as you passed your once favorite tea shop. Staring through the window, you trace your eyes over a figure hunched over his drink, staring out into space looking out the window. All you could do was stare back, knowing that the figure wasn't paying attention to you.

Slowly, the figure's eyes shift to meet yours, the tea momentarily slipping from his hand before he was able to catch it. As you met each other's stare, there was no stopping the immediate welling of tears forming in your eyes.

After a long second of staring which seemed like forever, the boy smiled like he hasn't smiled in three years, waving you into the cafe.

Without hesitation, you pushed past the door, claiming a spot in the empty seat across from him. He leaned over and wiped a tear from your eyes, running his thumb over your quivering bottom lip and pale cheek and whispered.

"Long time no see, best friend."

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