Chapter 5 - #Camarry

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WARNING: Enjoy all the Camarry moments while you can because the upcoming chapters will be a hell of a ride.


I woke up to hear Camila yelling "DINAH JANE HANSEN!!"

Dinah, Lauren, and Camila were the only ones awake.

Dinah laughed. "I-I'm s-sorry I had t-to!" She said between laughs. "You dawgs are so cute!"

They were in the kitchen so I got up to see what was happening. Lauren was holding onto Camila and Dinah was a few feet away from them.

"Lauren let go of me!" Camila said trying to take Lauren's grip off of her.

"Then promise you won't kill Dinah!" Lauren said.

Camila groaned. "Fine I won't." Lauren let go of Camila. "Now Dinah, say sorry." Lauren said and laughed a little.

"Cami, I'm sorry." Dinah said smiling. "C'mon I know your not mad. I know you wanna smile at this. Now c'mon smile. Just bring the ends of your mouth upward." Dinah instructed Camila.

Camila rolled her eyes then started to smile. "Okay, I must admit, it was cute of you to do that."

That's enough playing guessing games, Harry. "Uhmm, what in the world are you girls doing at 6:30 in the morning?" I asked.

"Well, the power went back on so Camila here decided to charge her phone and go on twitter. And she woke up to see Ca--"  

Dinah started.

Camila covered Dinah's mouth. "Computers! Computers was trending."

I looked at Camila then Dinah then Lauren. I stared for a while then took out my phone and went on twitter. I hardly used it yesterday so I had a lot of battery life left. I checked the trending topics and stared at it. Trending number 2 was: #Camarry.

Why would this be trending?

I was about to ask the girls but maybe I should play around with them for a bit. I put back my phone in my pocket. "Erm, there's nothing going on on twitter... you girls are weird. I'm going back to bed." And with that I left the kitchen and laid back down on the sofa.

I brought out my phone again to see what really was happening because I had no clue. I know Camila and I had moments yesterday but how could other people have known?

Then, I found the answer to my question. "Ms. Dinah Jane Hansen." I murmured. She tweeted a picture of me and Camila hugging in the kitchen, the time she told me I was her friend no matter what.

Since most of our fandoms has seen that tweet they started going crazy. I read their tweets:


"look how Camila's smiling :3"

"seems friendly..."


"#CaMichael is the real one so stop with the #Camarry."

"shut up^^"

"STOP WITH THE #CAMICHAEL AND #CAMARRY . obv this is a cover up for Camren :P your argument is invalid."

"yall need Jesus."

I smiled at these. Although there were mean ones, I ignored them. At least there are still Camarry shippers. I put my phone away and went back to sleep with a smile. -- 

I woke up after maybe an hour and a half, its now 8:00am. Niall, Zayn, and Liam were the only ones asleep now. I walked around the house to see where the others were at. I searched upstairs and all of the rooms. No one. I went back down and noticed someone by the stairs where I sat at last night. I looked closer and saw it was Camila. I smirked.

"Hey Cami." I smiled as I sat down next to her.

She had a nervous expression but then softened a little. "Morning Harry" Camila smiled.

"So, Camarry seems to be on the roll on the social network, eh?"

Camila rolled her eyes. "Shut up. Dinah was just messing around. You know her."

I chuckled. "One question though," I hesitated. Maybe I shouldn't ask her. "Erm, why did you freak out when you saw the trend?"


"Erm, why did you freak out when you saw the trend?" Harry asked.

"Uh, its just that ... I ... didn't know that... there were still Camarry shippers." I lied.

Harry nodded. "Hey guys! We have breakfast." Louis yelled in the kitchen.  


It is now noon and the girls and I were getting ready to leave.

"Okay, we'll be right out." Lauren said as she put away her phone. "C'mon Leslie's here to pick us up."

Leslie was our limo driver. We headed downstairs and hugged each of the boys.

"So what will you guys be doing for the next few days?" Niall asked.

"We have a one month vacation." Dinah answered.

The boys nodded. "Well, if you girls have any time from your vacation, we'll be around the Northeast side. Just text us and you'll have a free One Direction concert ticket." Niall smiled. 

"Woah woah woah. Make it backstage passes." Dinah said.

"Deal." Liam said.

"No worries, who wouldn't say no to a One Direction concert ticket offer?" Normani laughed.

Harry pulled me away from the group. "So, are you gonna be in New York?"

I stared at him confused.

Harry chuckled nervously. "You'll probably be hanging out with us aren't you? Because the lads of 5SOS are gonna be touring with us? Right? And because of ... Michael."

"Uh, probably. Why?"

He smiled then cleared his throat. "Just asking."

"Camila, are you coming or not?" Lauren asked from the door.

"Coming! Well I better go now." I said.

"I-I'll see you soon, then?"

"Bye Harry." I hugged him one more time then left to get into the limo.

"What was that about?" Lauren asked.

I stared at the floor then looked at Lauren. "Harry still loves me."


-Why did Camila lie to Harry about how she felt about the Camarry trend?

-Does Camila still have feelings for Harry now that she knows how Harry feels?

-Will Lauren tell Camila about "Operation: Want U Back"?

All aboard on the rollercoaster ride.

Haha, Hope yall like it(:  

Vote&Comment maybe? :D

The "Best Song Ever" music video. omg

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