Chapter 11 - Sweet Dreams or a Beautiful Nightmare?

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It's been several days since I've stayed with Lauren, Michael, and the boys. The girls and I got a call from Greg that our vacation will be extended until further notice. Apparently, Greg was teaching himself how to skateboard when he supposedly loss balance and broke his arm. Ouch.

The boys were currently having their concert here in Dallas, Texas, while Lauren and I stayed in the bus. "What time is our flight tomorrow?" Lauren asked.

"3:30." I answered. We were going back to Miami for a bit to spend time with our families - like we promised. "Wait, 3:30 in the morning or 3:30 in the afternoon?"

"In the afternoon, of course! There's no way I'm getting up that early." I said.

"Awesome. Because if it was a morning flight we'd better be sleeping right now." Lauren said. I checked the clock on my phone and it was almost 10:30pm. "Where are the boys? Shouldn't they be done by now?" She asked.

"The concert was over like an hour ago, I think. They probably extended their time in the meet and greet." I said and Lauren nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go hit the hay. Wake me up when we get to the hotel." Lauren said as she plopped onto the coach across of me.

"Or when your snoring." I smiled.


"Nothing. Night!" Lauren shrugged then went to sleep. I was listening to music then I found myself slowly falling asleep.

"Camila. Camila!"

I opened my eyes and got up lazily and went to the direction where the voice was coming from. "Camila?"

I saw a figure standing a few feet in front of me, but I couldn't see who. My vision cleared up and I saw Harry. "Ha-Harry?" I looked around and saw the sun up in the sky. "Oh my god, what time is it? Is it afternoon? I gotta get to the airport." I said turning around but Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me close.

"Why do you have to leave?" He asked softly, looking down at me.

"I-I uh," I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and my palms began to sweat. Wait, what's happening to me? "I have to spend time with my family Harry." I managed to say. I let go of his grip and started walking away.

"Really? Or is it because you want to spend time with Michael. Away from me." I stopped walking and turned back to him. His expression was so sad, I just wanted to run up to him and hug him like there's no tomorrow. Oh my god, what am I saying? "Wait ... what do you mean?"

Harry walked up to me and placed one hand on my cheek while the other held my hand. "Camila, when will you come to sense that it was always me that you truly love and not Michael?" I tried to speak but nothing came out of me. His green eyes were piercing into my brown ones.

"Love me again, Camila." He whispered in my ear, sending goosebumps all over my body. He now cupped my face with his hands and brushed my cheek lightly with his thumb. Harry started leaning in. Why am I not doing anything? Because I don't want to. Our lips were millimeters apart .... 


"Babe, wake up." I shot my eyes open and I saw Michael sitting beside me. "Were at the hotel now." Michael said softly. I nodded.

"I'll see you in the morning okay?. Goodnight." He gave me a peck on the lips, waved goodbye to Lauren, then left the bus.

My heart was still beating fast. Not from Michael but from that dream. Did I just have a Harry Styles dream and was enjoying it?

"Camz, its either this tour bus couch or a comfy bed at a five star hotel. I suggest to choose wisely." Lauren said with her arms crossed.

"Oh, sorry. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and headed to the hotel with Lauren. Once we settled in our room, Lauren smirked at me.

"Why so grumpy? Was your dream that good of a dream?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "I guess it was. You'd feel grumpy too if you got woken up from an awesome dream, right?"

Lauren nodded. "Yes, but you looked like you were in heaven."

"Were you watching me while I was sleeping?"

"I wasn't planning to but your murmuring woke me up and I couldn't sleep after that." Lauren laughed.

I stared at her. "What was I saying in my sleep?" I asked nervously, hoping I didn't give any hints on what I was dreaming.

Lauren shrugged. "It was inaudible. What were you dreaming about anyways?"

"It was about," I want to tell Lauren but I don't want to. If I tell her, she might be pushing the topic and would probably never stop. "I-I don't really remember, now."

Lauren sighed. "See when Michael has to wake you up."

I smiled, shaking my head. "Honestly, he did kind of ruined it. You know Harry would've carried me from the bus to the hotel room instead of waking me up."

I paused for a moment realizing what I just said. I stared wide-eyed at Lauren, who was currently smirking at me.

"So, are you saying you prefer the things Harry do than Michael?" She asked slowly.

I scoffed nervously. "Why would you ask that?"

"You just said that Har-"

"Wow, would you look at the time. Its almost midnight already? We better get to sleep. Night, Lo!" I quickly said as I pulled the covers over me.


Camila pulled the sheets over her and I rolled my eyes. I knew that she was dreaming of Harry. She was murmuring his name. I didn't tell her I knew because I wanted to see if she wants to tell me about it. It seems like she doesn't want to, unless she really forgot her dream.

I got into my bed and was about to turn off the lights when my phone vibrated. 

Fr: Curly

Hey, come to my room at 10 tomorrow. We gotta talk bout stuff. Louis will be here btw. Night x 

"Who ya texting?" Camila asked which scared me a little.

"I thought you were sleeping?" I asked. 

"Technically, I pulled the covers over me. Now, who are you texting at this time?" Camila asked more sternly. Is she alright? 

"Uhh," I would lie to Camila but I don't like hiding things from my best friend. "Harry." I said slowly, observing her reaction. Her expression was blank. "What did he say?" She asked.

"He was ... uh .. just saying goodnight." I replied

Camila looked down then bit her lip. "Oh okay. Well, night!" She said with a small smile.

I turned off the lights and stared at the ceiling. I wonder what Harry wants to talk about. Probably his progress on getting Camila back. Is he even making any progress? For the past days, I've been telling him where Camila and Michael are going. He usually comes back to the hotel with a slight smile on his face but that's it. I sighed. Harry better have some good news tomorrow.


- Was Camila in a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare? ;) (I love Beyonce #sorrynotsorry)

- What do you think Harry will talk about with Lauren and Louis?

- On a scale of 1 to 10, how close do you think Harry is from having Camila back?

For me.... I'd say 3 ... for now ;) Hope yall enjoyed this chapter! I added a Camarry moment ~ish lol Stay tuned for the upcoming chapters cos we are still on this roller coaster ride. 

Lets be honest here. Don't you hate it when your having a good dream and you wake up or someone wakes you up and you try to sleep again to bring back the dream but can't? 

I know the feeling. 

Vote&Comment? :) 

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