Chapter 4 - I love table hockey ... and thunderstorms

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I told Louis about Camila's conversation on the phone and how she'll be in Florida- well most likely New York or wherever Michael will be. "So, I need your help Lou."  

Louis had a thinking face on. "First of all, you are such a stalker. But it is a good thing you did what you did. Okay, so obviously we'll be hanging out with the lads of 5SOS. Now, Camila will definitely be with Michael." He paused to think again. "Be a cockblocker?"

I sighed. "No, I would but, Camila will look at me different. It's okay, Lou. I'll figure this out."

He nods. "Just don't do anything stupid. You already broke her heart once."

We arrived at our beach house then the girls' limo pulled up. We all settled inside the living room and Niall turned on the TV. "We should go for a swim." Liam suggested.

"Hey! We weren't prepared for this! Let me call our assistant to bring us our bathing suits." Lauren said grabbing her phone.

Ding. Will you look at that. I, Harry Styles, have an idea. "Tell your assistant to bring you girls some other clothes, too." They had questioning looks on their faces, including the boys. "Why don't you girls stay here overnight? I mean, if y'all are busy tomorrow."

The boys nodded persuasively.

"That's a great idea!" Dinah said. "We have tomorrow off right?" She asked the girls.

"Coincidentally, yes." Camila said.

"So, sleepover party?" Niall asked.

The girls looked at each other then smiled. "Yes it is!"

I smiled while the other boys were saying "yes!", "this is gonna be fun", "PARTYY TIME."

Lauren's personal assistant came with one small size luggage which contained their clothes. After she left Lauren said, "Lets go get ready for the beach."

They were about to go upstairs when the TV from the living room caught all of our attention.

"Now here's Jeff with the weather." Said the anchor woman.

"Thanks, Kathy. Earlier today we had some cloudy skies with a temperature of 81 degrees. Later this evening, we will be seeing an 80% chance of heavy rain and a 30% chance of thunderstorms." The weather man said.

"WHAT?" Louis called out.

We all ran outside to check on the sky and for sure it seemed like it was going to rain. All the clouds were gray and puffy, hiding the sun. Zayn groaned. "Looks like we need to be staying indoors tonight."

We all went back in and the girls went upstairs with Zayn so he could show them the guest bedroom. We decided that all of us sleep in the living room so the guest room was for the girls to change and do their stuff.

As soon as they came back down, rain started to pour outside. Louis had his face pressed against the sliding see through door that lead towards the beach. "Why?" He yelled. "Why today?" He started his wailing and laid on the floor with his knees up to his chest.

Niall helped him up so he could stop. "We have like a ton of game rooms in here, why don't we just enjoy the indoors tonight?" Liam sugguested.

We all nodded except for Louis who was still crying his butt off. "So whats for dinner?" Zayn asked.

"Pizza!" Camila and I said in unison. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"HASHTAG CAMARRY!" Dinah yelled. Everyone laughed.

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