Chapter 22 - Leave My Heart Out Of This

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"What do you think your doing?" Louis asked as he walked into our shared hotel room.

"What does it look like? I'm packing." I reply.

"Why are you packing? We're staying here for 2 more weeks till we leave for London remember?"

"I know, Louis." I said not really paying attention to what he's saying.

"Mate, then why are you packi-"

"Because I can't handle it anymore!" I snapped then sighed. "I'm done, okay? I'm done with the whole 'Want You Back' thing. I'm done with trying. I'm done with her. I just need some alone time. I'll be going back to London until our tour in Australia. I'm leaving tonight."

Louis's lips were parted slightly and his expression was filled with shock. "Th-that's it? You're just gonna give up? Just like that?"

"Nothing's going to change my mind. I made my decision." I said.

Louis went out of the room and probably went to go tell all the others. I sighed.

Come on, Styles. This could be a sign. If I leave, I might miss out something that could change this whole sitiation. Or it could be a sign that I have to move on.

The first one seems more possible.

No. You saw it clearly at the concert. She's done with you. So why should I fight it?

Cause she's worth fighting for.

But she already has someone. She doesn't need you.

I stared at my almost packed suitcase. I bit my lip. My mind was talking to itself, arguing over what I should do. I shook my head. "I've made my decision." I murmured to myself and continued packing.


We were at Dinah's home (since she lives close by our hotel) and I was seated on her couch in her living room, doodling stuff in my journal.

I groan as I scribble over my drawing and rip it out of the journal. I crumpled it and threw it onto the seat beside me. "Damn girl, are you trying to make a masterpiece?" Dinah asked as she sat across me. "Huh?" I asked confused.

Dinah pointed at the multiple crumbled pieces of paper beside me. "Ohh... Sorry I'm trying to draw something but I can't think straight right now." I say.

Dinah smirked then she began to do something on her phone. I started to draw again and Dinah starts humming.

"I tell my heart to just butt out, keep its opinion to itself." Dinah sang softly.

I stared at her then shook my head and continued drawing.

"I should just listen to my head, cause its the one who knows what's best." She sang normally now.

I looked up once again, now knowing what song she's singing and why.

"It tells me not to love you." I continue to look her, unamused. She looks back at me and sang the next line with more force like she's comanding me. "But my heart says just forgive you."

"Its not thinking clearly." I sang along softly. "I wish that I could leave my heart out of this. Leave my heart out of -"

"This but you know you can't because you know you love him." Dinah sang to the line then smiled. "I'm just helping you out here, Mila." Then she left the room.

"Wait .. what?" I called out but no one answered.


We drove back to the hotel and I was greeted by Michael and Calum. Since we didn't have much to do, the seven of us sat in the lobby.

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