Chapter 13 - Okay?

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"Why don't you ..." Louis started but stopped. I looked at him confused. "Go to Miami."

I shook my head. "Alone? No way. Camila would think I'm stalking her."

"I'll go with you!" Louis said. "After our concert in Denver, we got a whole week off. Let's just say that we needed to chill for a bit."

I nodded slowly. "Okay. But when we get there, what's the plan?" I asked.

"We'll see when we get there, Hazza." Louis smiled.

"Okay, since that's settled. I'm going back to my room before Camz thinks something." Lauren said as she waved goodbye to me and Louis.

Once Lauren closed the door Louis turned to me. "Here's the plan."


Lauren closed the door and I sighed. Why won't she tell me? Is she dating Harry? Well she made it clear that she's not and it looked like she wanted to laugh when I asked. I shook my head. What am I thinking?

For a while, I was just on my phone, scrolling through Twitter and texting the girls. I checked the time and it was 10:30am. And Lauren isn't back. I had about 4 hours or less to spare till our flight so I decided to go to Michael and Calum's room.

I was about to knock on the door but I turned around and stared at the door across me. It was Harry and Louis's room. Part of me wanted to go knock on that door but part of me didn't want to.

I walked towards Harry and Louis's room. I lifted my hand to knock when Calum's voice startled me. "Oh hey Camila!"

"Hi Calum!" I replied. "Where ya heading?" He asked.

"Uhm... to Michael, actually." I smiled.

"Oh yeah, well come on in. I was just going to get us something to drink. Want anything?"

"It's alright, thanks Calum." I said and he nodded.

I went in their room and spotted Michael watching TV. "Hey." I smiled slightly.

"Hey." Michael patted the space beside him. I sat there and wrapped my arms around Michael's waist and he put his arm on my shoulder.

"Why looking so grumpy? 2 days will pass before you know it." Michael said.

I smiled slightly. "I've just been thinking lately."


I sighed. "Life." Michael kissed the top of my head. "Just enjoy the life your living right now. Forget the past, its done. You just have to watch what will happen in the future, babe. No one can predict it."

I giggled. "Are you some kind of philosopher now?" Michael smiled and squeezed me a little tighter and I did too. His words were echoing in my mind. Everything he said was true. Is true. Forget the past. Live the present. Wait for the future.

We just sat there in silence for quite a long time until Calum came in. His shirt was wet. "Here's your drink, Mike." Calum said handing him his drink.

"Thanks.... what up with your shirt?" Michael asked.

"I.. erm.. spilled it."

"On yourself?" I laughed. Calum rolled his eyes. "On accident, thank you." He said.

I smiled. "I'm gonna go back to my room. Bye guys." I kissed Michael and turned to Calum. He opened his arms asking for a hug but I shook my head. "Eww, your shirt is sticky and wet."

"Fine." He raised one hand all the way and said, "Up top."

I jumped to reach his hand but he was too tall. I could hear Michael laughing and telling Calum to stop being a bully. I groaned. "Bye Calum." And he smiled.

I walked out the door and heard nothing but silence in the halls. I closed the door as softly as I can and turned around to see Harry on his phone. I gasped and he glanced up. "Hey Camila."

"H-hey." Oh no. There goes that feeling again. My heart is beating fast. I felt my throat go dry. I stared into his green eyes and my heart was now pounding out of my chest.

Harry walked closer to me and I took a step back until I felt the door on my back. He was leaning. Why is he leaning? Oh dear.

"Camila. Are you gonna move or..?" Harry said.

"Huh?" I asked, completely lost. I looked at his hand and it was trying to reach the door knob.

"I'm heading to Michael and Calum's room, like I said. Do you mind if you could move a little?"

Did I doze off? I'm pretty sure I didn't hear him say that. "Oh ... sorry." I said feeling a little embarrass.

"Its fine. See you around." He said and went into the room. I furrowed my eyebrows. Is he okay? He wasn't smiling. Or chuckling. Or anything beyond his goofy, fun self. He was so .... plain. I shrugged it off and walked back to my room.

"Heyyy." I heard Lauren say once I closed the door behind me.

"Hi." I smiled. "We got about 3 hours till our flight. Wanna go shopping? I found this mall close by." Lauren asked happily.

"Sure. Lets go."  

Lauren and I shopped for 2 hours then headed back to the hotel. Once we were settled, there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it. "Hi Liam!"

"Hey Camila, I was wondering what time you and Lauren are leaving?" Liam asked.

I checked the time on my phone and it was almost 2. "Probably in a few minutes. Lauren and I will just finish packing." 

"Okay, before you leave, come to my room. Some of the guys want to come drop you off at the airport." Liam said. 

I nodded. "Okay." 

Liam waved and I closed the door. Lauren and I finished packing and heading to Liam's room while Elijah put our bags in the car. All the boys were in the room. "So who's coming?" Lauren asked. Michael, Zayn, Louis, and Harry rose there hands. We hugged the boys who weren't coming then headed to the car. 

The airport wasn't really crowded since it was a weekday. Before Lauren and I continued to the security check, I turned to Michael and hugged him as tight as I can. "I'll miss you." I whispered.

"I'll miss you, too." Michael said letting me go. "Don't worry. We'll be reunited as soon as possible." I smiled and gave him a brief kiss that lasted for quite a while.  I went to Zayn and hugged him then went to Louis. Louis squeezed me so hard I couldn't breathe. "Lou, you're killing me."

"I know." Louis smiled, but was still squeezing me. I flicked his ear and he finally let go. I let out a deep breath. "I think that was your last hug before your flight." Louis said softly, I think I heard him wrong. "Huh?"

"Have fun in Miami, Camila! Can't wait to see you again in one of our L.A. concerts." Louis quickly said and I smiled. "Thanks, Louis. I'll miss you the most." 

"Hey!" Michael said in objection. I laughed and Louis put his arm around me. "Sorry, Mikey. She likes me now."

Michael rolled his eyes while me and Louis laughed. I turned to say bye to Harry but he was by the entrance of the airport... with Lauren. Harry smiled then hugged Lauren. I started making my way toward them but they were coming back. Once they got back, Louis put his hand on Harry's shoulder. 

"You girls should go now. See you in a few weeks ... or days. Bye!" Louis waved and so did the rest of the boys. 

"Bye Camila!" Harry smiled. I slightly smiled and waved goodbye. 

Lauren and I start walking away. "Ready, Camz?" She asked. 

I nodded. "Yup." 


- Camila, you okay? lol 

- Aww, Camarry didn't have a proper goodbye. ): 

- What was Harry telling Lauren? 

- What's Louis's plan? 

Chapter 13, everyone :D School started so I'll try my best to update weekly. Most likely on weekends or when I'm not busy. 

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