Chapter 15 - This is a joke, right?

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"What are you guys doing here?" I asked completely shocked. I know Louis told Harry about coming here but I didn't expect them to ACTUALLY do it.

"Well, Harry and I were thinking to go somewhere for our week-cation and we decided to come here. Plus, we hardly hung out with you guys while you were with us." Louis said.

I have no idea what he's talking about. All I know is that whatever they are planning, I'm not in it. I'm completely innocent here.

"Don't you guys have a concert today?" Camila asked.

Harry nodded. "Yes, but there was an expected storm coming so we started the concert early."

"And you boys just came here right after the concert?"

"Yup." Harry and Louis said in unison.

"Excuse us." Camila grabbed my arm and brought me into the hallway. "Did you know they were coming?"

"No! I had no clue." I said. "Then what were you and Harry talking about on our last day?" She asked.

I looked around the hallway "pretending" that I'm trying to remember what happened. "They just wanted to hang before we left."

"They? So Louis was there?"

"Yeah..." Camila crossed her arms. "Are you sure you don't know anything about this?"

"Okay maybe I heard them talking about Miami, but I didn't know they were coming here." I half lied. "Why do you seem so mad about this?"

Camila sighed. "Nothing." We walked back in the living room. "How long are you guys staying here?" Camila asked.

"Our whole week-cation." Louis smiled.

"You gotta be kidding me." I heard Camila whisper.

"Hey guys! Why don't we have lunch? I made some homemade taco's and french fries. I know its a weird combination but I made the fries especially for you, Camila." My mom smiled as she came in.

I checked my watch and it was almost 4. Its late for lunch but I am pretty hungry. "Thanks Mrs.Jauregui but I think my parents prepared some food back home for me." Camila said. That's a first. Camila loves my mom's homemade fries.

"Its okay, Mila. Your parents called earlier asking where you were and I said that you were here. I also asked if you can have lunch with us. Their totally fine with it. Now come guys. Taylor! Chris! Lunch is ready!" My mom yelled.

Louis and Harry got up and made their way to the kitchen. "Don't worry, Cami. Niall's not here to steal your food." Louis said as he pat Camila's head.

"Come on, Lo." Harry said. He grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. This feels weird. I turned around to look at Camila and she was staring into space. I frowned.

I sat down with Harry beside me. Louis sat in my dad's usually seat which faces toward us and Taylor sat in my mother's seat which is the opposite side of Louis's.

"Mom you won't be eating?" I asked. "I already ate, sweetie. You guys just eat." My mom smiled then left the kitchen.

"Oh my gosh! First, two fifth of One Direction comes to my house and now eats lunch with me? This is so awesome." Taylor fangirled.

I snapped my fingers at her. "Manners, little one."

"Sorry." Taylor said quietly.

I was about to go look for Camila when someone screamed. "CHRIS! PUT ME DOWN!"

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