I want you back <Cher Lloyd>*

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"Ryder" my best friend Kenna slash roommate screamed in my ear

"What" I groaned

"Get up we have class today" Kenna said to perky

"Nooo" I whined

"Yep" Kenna replied rolling me off the bed making me land with a 'thud'

"Thanks" I groaned rubbing my head

"Welcome" Kenna said smiling while eating her cereal "Remind me why you came to college if you were just gonna eat, sleep and barely come to class" Kenna asked

"Cause it looked fun" I said sarcastically

"Sarcasm killed the cat" Kenna pointed out

"Ryder is gonna kill the Kenna" I said smirking getting up from my place on the floor

"We'll someone needs a happy meal" Kenna said rolling her eyes at me

"I would also like a frappé please" I said batting my eye lashes

"If you hurry we can make it for morning coffee quickly though" Kenna replied putting her bowl in the sink

I rushed to the bathroom and hopped into the shower cleansing my body. I hurried to blow dry and straighten my red hair putting on light make up and grabbing my regular skinny jeans and plain baby blue flowey top, shoving my blue vans on my feet and grabbing a fully dressed Kenna out the door

"You look cute" she complemented me

"So do you" I said back

She wore some white skinny jeans, a grey and pink shirt with grey toms. Her perfect brown hair curled to perfection with a pink bow on the top of her head barely any make up just enough to make her blue eyes pop more.

We hopped into her red mustang convertible and headed to mcdonalds since it was only a few minuets away from the college we went to. Living in Alabama is fun but wanting something bigger and better is frustrating.

"Ryder" Kenna said

"Yes" I asked turning to look at her

"Can you turn it up" she asked

"Really Ken why can't you" I said smiling at her

"I'm to lazy" she stated

I rolled my eyes and turned the radio up until the beat of the music moved the car and messaged my back.

I want you back by Cher Lloyd was playing and Kenna was belting out the lyrics while I sat there looking out the window

"Why don't you sing anymore Ry" Kenna asked as the song went off

I turned it down and sighed "It was stupid to think I could actually make a lifestyle by it" I replied simply

Kenna frowned but kept her mouth closed knowing it was a fight she would loose. Minuets later Kenna parked outside the college and got out locking all the doors drinks in hand we walked inside the college getting stares from guys and dirty looks from girls. College is like high school except your probably here longer and there alot smarter well scratch that SOME of them are smarter!

"Kenna" I mumbled walking past a curly haired boy with green eyes "who's that" I asked slightly pointing

"I don't know" she replied walking away from me "ILL FIND OUT THOUGH PUMPKIN" Kenna yelled holding up a peace sign while walking to her class

"Way to not make things obvious Ken" I giggled walking to my own class

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