Locked out of Heaven <Bruno Mars>*

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I closed my eyes as the water engulfed me it felt so relaxing to just feel the coolness hit my face

I opened my eyes as Harry looked at me his green eyes shining. I tried to snap a picture in my mind of this moment. How Harry looked, how he smiled at me and how he looked at me with admiration

He pointed up and we rose to the surface

"You like the pool?" Harry asked

I nodded my head and looked around at the house Harry brought me to

I jumped on one foot getting out of the water grabbing my towel and ran inside. I really have to pee so I shall find it myself

In a non weird way of corse

I found myself in the living room area and stared at the million pictures of Harry with some woman and man

This must be his parents house. Or his old house

I giggled lightly at a picture where Harry was sticking his tongue out at the woman as she made her eyes crossed at him.

They looked so happy, like a family would

"Thats my mom"

I jumped slightly putting my hand over my heart that was now racing

"You scared me" I stated my breathing slowly coming back to normal

Harry picked up the picture I was looking at and he smiled then it slowly faded away and he put it down

"What happened to them" I asked

Harry put a finger over over his lips telling me to be quiet and motioned for me to follow him. As quietly as possible I did so

He led me to a room that looked like a teenagers room but cleaner like nobody has slept there in a while

I sat down on the bed as did Harry

"My mom overdosed on pills and my dad hung himself after she died" Harry said quietly

I didn't dare speak knowing he wasn't done. He was gonna explain. That's what I love about him. He tells me everything after a while. At the perfect times

"She called me the night she did it. She told me she loved me and she was sorry for everything she did. She said she wished she was a better mom to me. I heard a choking noise then nothing. I screamed for my dad to help or someone to do something, he ran inside my room and called 911. Turns out she was at a hotel and had everything planned out to die alone while on the phone with me" Harry whispered as tears streamed down his face

I leaned over and wiped them away kissing his cheek and settled back down

"My dad wouldn't show emotion at her funeral if someone asked him if he was alright he would reply he didn't care and would walk away from them. When I went off to college I found out my dad hung himself cause he couldn't live without her. He wrote me a note before he died that the police found and gave to me I threw it away out of madness and didn't talk to anyone" Harry sighed deep and continued

"That's when I saw you with your friends. Maddie had a slight obsession with me and I knew y'all were friends so I took that to advantage and eventually met you. That's when my life started getting better but then again worse" Harry stated

I teared up but shook my head and they went away

"You bring out the best in me but then again the worse. The best cause Ryder I'm in love with you but worst because I act different. I'm myself but like a love struck puppy and when I try to break free I do something stupid and fuck up" Harry said looking me in the eyes

"You don't have to tell me anything else" I stated getting in his lap

"What are you doing" Harry asked

"Something not broken" I whispered kissing him

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