I need your love <Calvin Harris ft Ellie Golding>*

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"Ryder where were you last night!" Kenna grumbled as I walked into the kitchen where she was

"Uh a place" I replied

"Harry?" She asked amusement clear in her eyes

I didn't wanna tell her I stayed in the tree house last night with Harry. I mean we didn't do anything just talked and slept. His arm was wrapped securely around me pressed against his chest

It was probably the best sleep I had in a while!

I nodded shyly and her smile grew

"I knew y'all liked each other!" She exclaimed smiling

"I promised one night that's all" I said frowning a little

"Why only one" she asked her blue eyes shining with worry

"Ken I can't date him and him get his heart broken or me get mine broken! We arnt good for each other all I know is that me and him will just fight and it won't turn out good" I stated

Kenna rolled her eyes and let out a loud huff

"No I see perfection! When y'all are together everyone sees that y'all are perfect! God Ryder grow a pair" Kenna said making some eggs

"Ken... I don't know" I sighed and bit my lip

"Ryder" Kenna started but was cut off by a group of girls and Nathan charging into my apartment

"WE BROUGHT FOOD" Scarlett announced

You know that's all you had to say!! I ran to her and got my yummys running back and say down at the kitchen table

"Someone's hungry" Lila mumbled sitting in front of me

"So! Are you and Harry together" Maddie asked giving me a evil glare

"No!" I snapped suddenly not hungry

Why does everyone gotta mention him. One time I just wanna eat without Mr. Curly coming up in the conversation! Can I just stop talking about Harry! Yes ok I like him but I will not admit that to anyone! My secret! Other than Kenna but she is like my sister! Doesn't count

"Ryder don't lie to us! We're all ok with it y'all are such a cute couple!!" Scarlett screamed with a smile

"Yeah we don't care! Gives us something more to talk about on our girl nights!" Lila said jumping up and down in place

"Who are y'all talking about" Nathan asked walking in the room with a fry in his mouth

"Harry" Maddie snapped giving me another glare

I just ignored her like she wasn't even there cause honestly she wasn't that important! I don't understand why she's mad at me cause I like Harry

"No! Harry's mine" Nathan screamed

"Wanna bet" I said giving him my best bring it look

"Uh about that yeah No" Nathan said backing away

"Good choice" I mumbled

"We were all gonna go hang out at the pool today wanna come" Scarlett asked finishing her food

I decided against food which kills me but Harry is all I think about. Not even food can change the fact I like him and I need to hide it!

"Maybe when are you all going" I asked looking at Kenna who was ready in her pink and white poka dot swim suit a see through white cover up, her hair tied up in a messy bun and no make up

Kenna still looks amazing without make up! I don't understand why someone who doesn't need it wears it anyway!

"Ryder will you" Lila snaps me out of my thoughts

I looked up to find everyone in there swim suits and cover ups. What's up with all the see through cover ups. I WANT ONE!!! Nobody invited me to this different color see through party

"Sure" I nodded my head and got up to go change

I'm thinking my green and blue bikini and a Minnie Mouse shirt with my shorts

Yup! That's so what I'm wearing They can deal with it even though I doubt they would have a problem






"Ryder come swim" Lila screamed at me

I barely heard her from the headphones that were blasting Calvin Harris ft Ellie Golding I need your love

I shook my head no and she pouted mouthing 'meanie' to me then swam to Scarlett who was sliding down the big swirlie slide they had here

Kenna came over and sat down below my legs

"Ryder" Kenna started

I took out my head phones and sat them down looking at her telling her to continue

"Uh Harry and some of his friends are here" Kenna said giving me a pleading look to stay

"Kenna! What the heck why didn't you tell me a second ago!" I said throwing my hands up

"He got here a few minuets ago and me and Nathan have been trying to get him to stay away from you but he wants to talk" Kenna said biting her nails

I nodded my head understanding Kenna won't leave until I go talk to him I mean what's the worst that can happen?

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