Tonight Tonight <Hot Chell Ray>*

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<These are the girls outfits for the club>

Kenna: A tight fitting black dress with lace and pumps, natural makeup and her brown hair curly

Ryder: A red lace dress Kenna picked out and some red flats normal makeup and her red hair straightened to perfection

Maddie: A aqua tight fitting dress some white pumps a little more makeup than normal and wavy hair

Lila: Some skinny jeans, white sparkly top and white flats her hair just let loose naturally

<ok read on> important author note in the end don't be lazy go read it!


"Harry I swear don't touch my food I will slap that pretty little smirk off your face" I threatened

We were at lunch with everyone at there usual spots its kinda become a routine to come, sit down and talk to each other like we have been friends for ages

"So my face is pretty" Harry said smirking

"Clearly she said your smirk is pretty not your face" Lila said in a duh tone

"So is my smirk pretty Ryder" Harry teased

"Maybe" I said shoving a fry down my throat

Okay listen I don't have a mcdonalds problem. Okay maybe I do but IT'S SO GOOD AND FLUFFYING!!! Yup FLUFFYING not fattening it sounds better my way! Get it right bro!

"Are you ready for tonight guys" Maddie asked beaming at Harry

"Uh sureee" I replied for everyone slurping my drink

Harry shifted uncomfortable and turned back to me

"It's gonna be awesome" he said in amusement

"Can't wait" sarcasm seeping through

"Ryder get exited you have all weekend to be boring its just one night" Maddie whined

I nodded my head in agreement not wanting to continue my conversation with her. Somehow me and Maddie were never as close as Kenna and I or Lila and I. She was never mean to me or anything but sometimes she annoyed me or just gave off a bad vibe I tried to ignore.




"You look amazing" Kenna beamed at me

"You look amazing too ken" I replied back sweetly as we walked to the bar

"Hey" Maddie greeted sitting on one of the bar stools

"Where is Lila" I asked over the music

"She went to the dance floor" Maddie said shrugging

"What about Harry" Kenna asked

"He is in the bathroom" Maddie said smiling

Kenna nodded her head and orders us drinks I downed mine and Kenna kept ordering her some but I only had 6. Kenna lead me to the dance floor half stumbling

"Dance with me Ryder" Kenna screamed over the music

She spun me around laughing as I smiled at my drunk bestfriend. Something must be bothering her cause she never gets drunk unless she is going through something.

"I gotta..... Uh pee" Kenna laughed out

I let her go use the girls room and stood at the dance floor. Hmmm stand here like a fool or dance with other strangers

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