Glowing <Nikki Williams>*

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"Harry that's my remote" I screamed running after the curly haired boy

"Come get it" he said laughing running away

I will get you my little friend I jumped on his back piggy back style and covered his eyes with

My hands

We hit a wall causing Harry to fall and land on me. Maybe I should of thought about this a little better!

"Harry get off me" I groaned

He got up and dusted himself off

"There is no dust on the floor or on me to be exact" I said rolling my eyes

"It's there you just don't see it" he mocked my voice

Very badly may I add

I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch Harry sat beside me

"Do y'all uh go to church" Harry asked me

"I used to but me and Kenna stopped since we wanted to be able to sleep a little more" I replied shrugging

Sunday was never a good day for me when I was back at home all my family did was fight on Sunday. Like really come on guys. Today was Sunday but I didn't have to worry about that with Kenna she was chill and not like my parents

"Oh" was all he said

"Kenna still asleep" I asked

"Yeah" he replied

"Wanna wake her Ryder style" I asked

"Uh yeah" Harry replied

I grabbed my I home and plugged it up in its usual spot and turned on glowing by Nikki Williams

"Okay just dance and every now and then scream the words" I told Harry

He nodded Nikki started singing and me and Harry grabbed hands spinning as she hit the chorus we stopped and screamed the lyrics


Harry did some weird dance move while inward being classy and did the whole old ages stanky leg. Failing miserably Harry joined me and we looked stupid

It was funny but we stopped and started skipping around the room screaming part of the chorus again

Kenna jolted awake and smiled seeing Harry and I dancing crazy and singing. She hoped out of bed as the music changed to Cant hold us

"SO WE PUT OUR HANDS UP" Harry screamed shaking his head

Me and Kenna started doing the macerena and Harry did some weird shake his butt move

Weird yes. Entertaining yes.


"WHOO" Harry screamed throwing his hands up jumping

"SO WE PUT OUR HANDS UP" Kenna screamed


They started saying other things but I was focused on this whole squirrel move I was learning

Okay it goes like this

GRAB A WALNUT (pull your hands out act like your grabbing something then pull it to your chest)

ANGER THE SQUIRREL (shove it in the airs face and stick your tongue out rubbing it in)

RUN AWAY BEFORE IT EATS YOU (run in a circle)

GRAB THE TAIL (extend your hand out pinch the air and hold it up to your face)

THROW IT IN A BOILING POT (drop it in the water and smile evily)

Yeah I should study or get out more

Harry stopped the music and sighed sitting down

"Wanna go I've skating" he asked

"As much as I would love to watch you fall on your bum styles I have a date" Kenna smiled triumphantly

"Ryder" Harry looked toward me

"What" I asked

"Wanna go Ice skating" he bluntly said

"Eh Okay" I shrugged






"Do you even know how to ice skate" Harry asked

"Of course I do" I mumbled "it's just been a while" I bit my lip

I placed both feet on the ice as Harry skated past me with a smile on his face. Ugh I don't like this

I let go of the pole I was holding onto and smiled to myself as I managed to stay up on my feet

I skated toward Harry with success I was tempted to do a happy dance but decided against it maybe later

"Wanna skate together" I asked holding my hand toward him

He nodded and took my hand. No not like couples. Kinda like little kids when your best friends. There just connected not tangled together or anything romantic

We skated past a girl with black hair and dip dyed red ends. Damn I want her hair.

She seemed to be having trouble so Harry let go of my hand and skated towards her.

She grabbed his hand and they skated together leaving me in the middle

Music was playing lightly in the background so I decided to spin in circles cause uh I could!

I was getting dizzy when someone tapped me causing me to fall on my butt

"Ouch" I groaned

"I'm so sorry here let me help you up" the guy said helping me to my feet

"Thanks" I muttered looking at him

Attractive yes. Off limits yes. No dating Ryder remember this!

"I'm Luke" he extended his hand towards me which I shaked but he didn't let go instead he dragged me along with him

He had short brown hair with blonde streaks and amazing blue eyes.

"Where are we going" I asked

"Just skating around, you were alone and looked like you needed a friend" Luke said pulling me gently

I shrugged as I tried keeping up with his pace I didn't see Harry anymore but I left it alone he was probably having fun and I wasn't gonna bug him!

Luke stopped at the ice exit

"Your friend left want me to take you home" Luke asked

"How do I trust you" I replied quirking an eyebrow

"Uh wait here" Luke smiled and headed back to the ice straight to the middle

I smiled at him as he started dancing he did the whole spiny jumpy thing on ice and the robot and some crazy move where he moved his head alot and flailed his arms everywhere.

"Is that enough" he asked as he came to a stop in front of me

"You seem good" I nodded in approval

We walked to his car and he drove me home after directions and arguing over who's better. Queen or The Fray

Uh The Fray I win duhhh!

"Thank you" I said smiling opening the door getting out

"No problem by the way my number is in your phone see you later Ryder" Luke winked and drove off

Hmm weird fellow

Time for sleep and food

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