Life after you <Daughtry>*

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I pulled apart just as quickly as his lips laches onto mine

"Harry no" I stated firmly running a hand through my red hair

"Ryder....... I'm so sorry" Harry whispered

Sighing I opened the front door "please leave" I said motioning towards the door

"Ryder I-I" Harry mumbled on

"Harry I said leave" I stood my ground

"I can't" he started crying

"And why not" I asked slamming the front door shut

"Cause I like you to much Ryder.. I like you way to much to let you go" Harry said sliding down the wall onto the floor

I walked over to his crying figure and tapped his shoulder "Harry" I whispered

All I got was a loud sob from him. I sighed not very good at comforting

I thought for a moment of what I could do. Dangit Ryder I got nothing. Ugh

"You..... You know I asked Kenna about you" Harry said sniffing

I looked at him nodded telling him to go on

"You used to sing why did you stop" Harry asked his eyes red and face puffy from crying

"I think of I tell you these things it will only make you like me more and we don't need that" I replied

"Please just tell me" Harry pleaded

I sighed "It wasn't nothing I mean I used to sing and think I could make a career out of it but then it hit me that I wasn't going to. I got a few people say I could sing but I never believed them" I answered

"What else" Harry asked

"What do you mean" I was confused at his meaning

"That can't be the only reason" Harry said looking everywhere but me

"You know Styles you don't need to know everything" I said laughing lightly

He just smiled at me his eyes flashed a brighter green color.

"Your eyes are so pretty" I mumbled getting on my knees looking at his eyes

"Ryder you know you can't get this close to me unless you want me to make a move on you" Harry said

"Oh I'm sorry" I was slightly embarrassed but nothing big I sat back down cris cross from Harry

"So what's the other reason you don't sing" Harry asked

"Please leave it alone. Ask something else" I mumbled throwing my hair toward my back

"Why don't you like me" he asked

I but my lip and looked down. What was I gonna tell him. Gosh Ryder why do you get into this mess!

"I just uh met you" I said unsure of my own answer

He nodded wow that worked. Whoop whoop!

"Maybe when you know me better you'll like me" Harry said smiling

I looked around the room at the mess he made. Chairs broken, table flipped, lamps broken, pictures smashed

I sighed and closed my eyes not wanting any tears to fall

I knew I shouldn't have gone to the club. I knew when Maddie told Harry to come over I should've walked away. I can't like Harry cause then that's giving me a chance at falling in love with him

I don't want love

I don't want to fall in love

I don't want to date, marry, kiss, hug, hold hands

None of that

I just want to stay single where I can't get hurt! Love hurts I've seen Kenna go through it and I don't want it. She slept for 4 weeks and wouldn't talk to me she was devastated

"What are you thinking about" Harry asked

I looked at him and rolled my eyes why am I thinking of Harry as a boyfriend or as anything of that manner

"You" I let out a breath I was holding in

"You should go to sleep ill clean this up" Harry said pulling me up Assuring me to my room

I didn't object I just went pulled on my night clothes and climbed into bed snuggling up under the covers






"Mmm food" I sat straight up in the bed

I looked around the room before getting up and walking to the kitchen

"Harry" I questioned looking at my curly haired friend making eggs

"I wanted to make it up to you. I fixed everything or got new things uh but I made breakfast" Harry said bitting his lip focusing on the eggs

I walked to the living room and gasped. It was different a brown and black marble table with 4 black fluffy chairs. New pictures hanging all on the walls, 1 new table lamp and 2 wall hanging lamps

"Harry what the hell is this" I screamed

"Do you not like it" he asked appearing next to me

"It's to expensive! How did you pay for this" I asked amazed and how much this must have cost him

"It's okay Ryder I wanted to now come eat" he said putting his hands on my back pushing me in the kitchen

"I didn't know what you eat so you fix your plate ill go get Kenna up" Harry said kissing me cheek "Goodmorning Ryder" Harry said smiling then walked away

"Goodmorning Ryder" I mimicked his voice running to the sink turning the hot water on and scrubbing my cheek from Harry germs

"Yuck" I spat whipping the water and soap off with a towel

I fixed my plate and sat at the new dinning room set digging into my bacon immediately

Kenna and Harry came back in but Harry was holding Kenna bridal style while her head was in his chest.

"Uh" I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the two "anything new a certain Ryder needs to know" I asked

"No she told me to carry her so I did" Harry shrugged

"Whatever man but this food is so good" I moaned putting eggs in my mouth

I looked at Kenna and Harry who was both now looking at me

"What" I asked shoving toast into my mouth

"Did you just moan" Kenna asked eyes wide

"Maybe" I mumbled smiling

"That's hot" Harry said putting Kenna down in the chair

"Keep dreaming curly" Kenna and I screamed at the same time

We laughed and finished breakfast. Harry and I can be friends even though he has feelings for me. That thought corrupted my mind throughout the whole day

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