Amazed <lonestar>*

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"Ryder I'm so sorry" Luke pleaded

"Get the fuck out I let you stay the night now leave before I shank you" I spat shoving him out my front door

"I was drunk.. I didn't mean it" Luke got on his knees pleading me

"Your hungover Luke just go home" I mumbled about to close the door

"Please....... Ryder... I have nobody but you who actually seems like the person who would get me" Luke shook away a tear


"Fine but you can't come in you can explain outside or take me bowling" I stated

"Yes" Luke smiled

I walked back inside slamming the door in his face.

"What! I need to get dressed" I yelled at a irritated Kenna

"You shut the poor boys face" Kenna mumbled opening the door for Luke

I groaned and stomped to my room to find a naked Harry in my bed playing temple run on his phone

"AHHHHHDPXKWJXKDKFFE" I screamed running out bumping into a wall knocking me over

"What happened" Kenna screamed

I had my eyes covered and was rocking back and forth

"That was more Harry than needed" I mumbled out

"Oops" I heard Harry say

"Harry clothes now" Kenna demanded

I peeked through my fingers and stood up realizing Harry left Luke was laughing Kenna was bright red and me well I was scarred for life now!

"Kenna..... You just watched Harry leave! Hahahahaha his butt was all you watched" Luke laughed out

"Shut up his butt looks good" Kenna mumbled smiling walking off

Ooooo Kenna crush

Nice Kenna choose Harry the guy I like













Ryder your in some trouble girl

I walked back to my room and got dressed without a Harry anywhere near me! Like what the fuck put clothes on! Especially in my bed! Mine!

I grabbed dark washed skinny jeans, grey London shirt and threw my hair up in a pony tail

Yup I look horrible

Who cares

Everyone was on the couch laughing dang when did they get here! Maddie was sitting next to Harry while Lila and Nathan were fighting over the remote Scarlett was laughing at Luke and Kenna was telling Ed not to touch anything expensive


And I mean everyone is here

How did Ed find out where I live?

When did the other girls get here?

The heck!

I went and sat on Harry making Maddie give me a go away look

Haha I love making her mad Harry smiled catching onto what I was doing and put his arms around my waist kissing my head

Is it bad that I felt butterflies? Maybe...

I wonder if he felt them too?

Wait Ryder for the millionth time this week

Harry and you just won't happen!

Luke gave me a questioning look and I have him a dirty one back douche I will not forgive you until you buy me stuff. I sound like a gold digger hmmm maybe I am..

"Can I talk to you" Harry whispered

I nodded my head and followed him to my bed room

"Listen if its about the whole naked thing it don't matter just don't do it again and you need to clean my sheets" I said laughing

Harry's face turned serious and he stared at me

"What's wrong" I asked

Only to have Harry's lips on mine probably for the second time since I've known him.

Dear god I'm so dying and going to live with the devil

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