How ya doin. <Little Mix>*

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McKay I don't wanna put all the girls looks/personality in the story so I'm just gonna describe them here

RYDER: A freaky red head with blue eyes. She doesn't believe in love or really have a type so it normally depends on his personality and how well they get along. She likes the stay at home and be lazy scene but when her friends make her go out she usually has fun. She downs her drinks she is a lightweight and it shows when she is anywhere with alcohol. She likes to play pranks and cause trouble if she can she likes all types of music and try's to act cool rather than show any emotion.

KENNA: A crazy brunette with blue eyes. She likes guys with brown hair and brown eyes but if he's cute and treats her right she is all for it. She is okay with anything her Motto is 'as long as I don't die lets do it'. She is usually not the type to drink alot but sometimes she does it to shake the stress away. In there house she's the more grounded one and tries to keep Ryder from as much trouble as she can.

MADDIE: A fun blonde with brown highlights and light brown eyes. She likes guys with brown hair and blue eyes if he has abs it makes it even better! She likes to party and go out but knows her limit and is usually the designated driver. In her and Lila's house (they live together) she's the stern one who keeps Lila under control.

LILA: A funny Brunette with bright green eyes. She likes guys with blonde hair and blue eyes it doesn't matter to her if he's big or small if its love she will be with him. She loves the party scene and gets drunk off her butt every time she goes. If she didn't have Maddie she would be in jail or on the road trying to make a living from the clown life.

<Author note over>

This is officially boring I swear I hate school and now here I am doing more of it! Ahh college the 'best years of your life' haha Pah-Lease they say the same thing about high school but guess what you losers were wrong.

"Kenna I am ready to go home" I whined at the lunch table

Kenna, Lila, Maddie and Me were all huddled at our usual lunch table we were always together except the fact that Lila lives with Maddie and me and Kenna live together.

"We can't skip the last classes again" Kenna scolded me

"UGH" I groaned

"Harry come sit over here with us" Maddie screamed

I looked over my shoulder to see the curly haired boy smiling walking over to us

"Sit next to Ryder" Maddie said sending me a wink

I gave her a What-The-Hell-Is-Wrong-With-You look and she looked away like she didn't see it. I know you saw it Maddie just wait I will come get you in your sleep.

"Hi" Harry said shyly sitting in between me and Lila

"Hello Mr.Curly" Lila said smiling

She was like our baby

She was the smallest, and liked to still be a little kid plus she is hilarious!

Harry smiled at her and she grabbed a fry of his plate shoving it in her mouth. He looked confused but then just directed his attention over to me

"You must be Ryder" Harry said holding his hand out to shake

"I don't do that but I will hug you" I smiled

His cheeks turned crimson as he looked down. Wait did he just blush cause of me? Nah my eyes are playing with me

He looked back up at me and smiled "I'm Harry Styles" he said grabbing me pulling me into him

I hugged him back "Ryder Lawson" I replied acting cool. Gosh he smelt good. Is that weird. Nah.

"Nice to meet you" he nearly yelled

"You to" I mumbled

"So Ryder you and Harry are meant for each other McKay bye" Lila yelled and bolted for the door to renter the school/ college thing

Maddie turned red in the face trying to keep in her laughter

"I just met him" I directed my words to Kenna who smiled shyly and looked anywhere but at me

Dang you people

"This is awkward" Harry stated

"Yup" I mumbled looking at my French fries I got from mcdonalds earlier gosh that place is a saint!

Harry stole my fry but before he out it in his mouth I grabbed his arm

"Oh hail naw don't you steal my fry" I went ghetto on him standing up making some people look at us

Harry sat there in shock as I stole my fry back shoving all of them I my mouth. I may have a small food addiction it's not that big wait lying is bad meh it's a little fib.

"We'll we should get going dont wanna be late to class" Kenna said grabbing me dragging me away from Harry

"Wait" I yelled digging my feet into the pavement making Kenna stop

"What" she asked frantic

I slapped her hand away and ran back to Harry sitting there alone

"Can I have your number" I asked

"Sure give me your hand" he said grabbing my hand and a pen that just so magically appeared from the table

He scribbled his number down and smiled I smiled back and walked to Kenna who had the biggest smile on her face.

"What" I asked

"YOU GOT HIS NUMBER I SMELL LOVE" Kenna screamed walking off to class


Did I mention I hate school? Yes ok don't get crazy!


HEYA BUGGIES McKay I have some things to tell ya about the story

• Nobody is famous

• Everyone is 19 (just going into college)

• The title of the chapter is the song I listened to or thought of while writing the chapter.

• Every title is a song so if you want you can play it while reading

• I will probably change the cover alot so don't get mad it be aight


Love ya biey ~A•

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