Royals <Lorde>*

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"Harry doesn't love you just back off" Maddie smirked as she saw how my face fell

"No! He loves me I know he does!" I screamed

"Listen I know you wanna believe that but it's not true and it never will be" Maddie said as she got close to my face

"HARRY LOVES ME!" I screamed getting in her face

"You bitch" Maddie slapped me across the face making my head turn in the direction of the slap

"Harry will never love an ungrateful little whore like you!" Maddie screamed and walked off



I opened my eyes and sighed

These dreams are so often now it's not even cool.

"Ryder" Harry morning voice called

I looked over and jumped slightly at how close he was to me and I didn't even realize it

"You ok?" He asked sitting up with me

"Yeah I'm fine just bad dream" I stated

Harry nodded and laid back down with a smile on his lips "You know what gets rid of bad dreams" he asked

I looked at him and shook my head no as he opened his eyes and smirked

"Sex" he whispered flipping me over so I was under him

"Harry" I said "No"

"Awe why not babe" Harry cooed

"Please get off me" tears brimmed my eyes as I tried pushing him off

Memories of that night replayed in my mind


"YOU DIRTY SLUT!" Jonah screamed slapping me

I whimpered at the contact and scooted away creating space between us

"I never liked school but I do now cause I get to finally have you" Jonah sneered

"NO! YOU CAN'T HAVE ME!" I screamed backing away more

Jonah grabbed me by the neck forcing me up to look at him and his darkened brown eyes

"Listen to me and listen good! I will have you if not by choice by force!" Jonah whispered

I chocked as he let me go by dropping me to the floor. I grabbed my neck running my fingers over the new marks he created

Jonah grabbed me by the hair and stomped on my leg making me squeeze my eyes close in pain

He undid his belt and took my innocence by rape

-Flashback over-

"Are you ok" Harry asked as he wiped tears I didn't know I had and rolled off me

"Yeah I'm fine" I stated sniffing

"Baby come here" Harry pulled me into him making me shake and start sobbing into his shirt "Wanna tell me what's wrong"

I shook my head no and kept sobbing gripping Harry's T- Shirt everytime a image of Jonah would appear

"Baby it's ok shhh" Harry cooed

My cries got smaller until they were only tear drops and sniffs

"Wanna tell me what all that was about now?" Harry asked

"I will tomorrow. Tonight I just want you to protect me as I sleep" I whispered

"Deal" Harry wrapped his arms around my waist as I faced his chest and closed my eyes

"Night Harry. Thank you for not doing anything" I mumbled

"Night princess. I wouldn't dream of talking you into something you don't wanna do" Harry whispered back

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