Just The Way You Are <Bruno Mars>*

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"I will always love you" the man on the screen said

"But" the girl looked up to him with tear filled eyes

"But... We can't be together" the man paused as he looked at the woman he loves but has to let go

"Bye Malinda" he finished and walked off

The movie ends as the credits roll in I grabbed my pillow that I've been crying in for the past 2 days and sighed as the tears still roll down my cheeks

I get up and walk to my bathroom, I look into the mirror and write down on the mirror what I see
'Matted up red hair'
'Ugly skinny body'
'Pale tear stained face'
'Dead eyes'
'Shaky hands'

I sat the marker down and sighed as exited the bathroom to go lay down on my bed and pick another movie to cry to from Netflix

That has become my life
• Sleep
• Crying
• Telling my self how horrible I look
• Watching sad movies
• Thinking of Harry
• Living off Ice Cream
Yeah that's about it

Kenna went to Florida for a month and I'm all alone. To drown in my sorrows and want to die

Harry hasn't tried contacting me so technically were dating but in my head I dumped his ass 10000 times in 10000 different ways

Maddie texts me pictures of her and Harry all the time and I just ignore them

I really don't know why.

I meet Harry then suddenly my life becomes Hell

I groan as my phone begins to ring. I shuffle through the covers until I find it and don't look at the contact name

"Hello" I mumbled sniffing

"Ryder... It's Harry" Harry whispered

"What do you want!" I harshly whispered back

"Maddie is holding me hostage" Harry whispered "I'm in her house her basement to be exact and you need to come help me"

"Harry this is a sick joke so just bye" I hung up

I clicked off the tv and turned on the radio

"When I see your face there's not a thing that I would change cause your amazing just the way you are and when you smile the whole world stops and stares for a whole cause girl your amazing just the way you are" Bruno Mars sang

The tears sprang from my eyes as the end of the song came

I put my head in my pillow and cried myself to sleep

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