Whatever shes got <David Nail>*

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"Kenna" I screamed jumping on the brunettes back

"Ryder! get off me ya fattie" Kenna thrashed around

"You ate my last cookie!" I said as she spun around trying to throw me off

"You have no evidence" she retorted

"Nathan!" I screamed

Soon enough he was in sight with a questioning look on his face

"Who stole my cookie" I asked politely

"Sorry Kenna love you" Nathan said running out and pointing at Kenna

"He's so dead" Kenna mumbled

"Your dead" I retorted

"Ryder what are you doing" Harry asked as he came into the living room

"Kenna stole my cookie" I stated

"Harry please help me get this crazy lady off me" Kenna asked

Harry nodded his head and approached us

"Back away curly or the brunette gets it" I held up my spoon full of jelly

"Harry what does as have" Kenna asked

"Jelly" Harry whispered

Kenna squealed as Harry backed away with his hands raised

"We have college graduation tomorrow. Don't mess up my hair" Kenna squealed

I hopped off Kenna and spun her around to look at me


"Yes Mrs. Styles" Kenna replied

"Good girl now you may wait what" I said confused

Kenna giggled and ran out

"You better be glad there are witnesses or you'd be colder than ice" I yelled

I walked into the kitchen and put the spoon inside my mouth eating the jelly. Wasting food is illegal.

Once finished I put the spoon in the dishwasher only to have the doorbell ring

I skipped to the door and opened it

"Eddy!" I squealed hugging him

"Rydey" he laughed as we started jumping up and down

"I missed ya ginger" I messed up his hair

"I missed you to ginger" Ed laughed messing up my hair

We walked back inside and sat on the couch as everyone ran in and sat down with us. Lets just say we were squished

The couch seating arrangements went like this. Kenna on the left end then Nathan then Ed then me then Harry on the right end

"Nathan your butt is too big" Kenna complained

"Ryder your stabbing me with your butt pen" Ed whined

"Oops" I grabbed my pen out of my pants pocket and threw it at Kenna

"Owe Ryder it's all warm" Kenna mumbled

"Let me see" Nathan took it out of Kenna's hand

"Ewe it is warm and it smells like lent" Nathan made a face and took it from his nose

"Maybe cause it was in her pocket" Ed took the pen and gave it to me

"Thanks eddy" I smiled

Harry sat quietly watching everyone bicker

"Awe Harry Barry what's wrong" I cooed in a baby voice

He looked at me and shook his head signaling nothing

"Does hawwy want a hwug" I asked in a baby voice

Everyone jumped up and pulled on Harry with me

"Squishing my boobs" I complained

"My balls" Harry choked out

Kenna busted out laughing as did the others and got off us

"Ah I'm gonna miss you guys" Kenna mumbled

Here comes the tears

"We will always be together" Ed tried assuring her

"Yeah" Nathan cut in and wiped her tears away.

Cute couple!

"I can't leave you guys" Harry stated

"We're all stuck together since noone else will have us" I muttered putting a hand on Kenna's knee

"I love you guys" Kenna gathered us together off the couch and we group hugged

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