Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride*

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"This isn't like your high school graduation we won't throw our caps in the air and tell what college were going to. No we will accept our future and laugh about good times hoping to make new ones in the future. I'm Kenna as most of you know since I was the frilly fun person who put mostly everything we did together I have finished my college experience with my best friends and boyfriend, hopefully so have all of you. maybe some are starting a family now or getting married or maybe going to try to find a job. Whatever it is we all have to get off our high horse and go live an actual life. We're not under our parents rule anymore and some of you are scared of that but we can't be afraid we have to be grown ups. I'm Kenna and classmates college is over see you in the future" Kenna finished and got off stage

Everyone clapped as she walked over to us and sat next to me and Harry

"You did amazing" Nathan whispered to her and pecked her cheek

She smiled and intertwined there fingers. I looked up at Harry and he grabbed my hand kissing it and intertwining our fingers

"I hope you all find good jobs and have a nice life. Wish y'all the best now get outta here" the man that ran the collage said and we all stood up and cheered

Harry picked me up bridal style and spun me around kissing me

"Ready to start our lives" Harry asked as we pulled away

"I'd love to Mr. Styles" I replied
3 months later

"Harry!" Kenna squealed in our ears

"Kenna! Nathan! glad y'all could join us" Harry hugged them

"My turn" I jumped on Kenna's back and kissed her cheek

"Baby doll!" Kenna giggled

"Hey Ryder" Nathan laughed

"What's up my sweets" I jumped off and stood next to Harry

"I love y'all's house" Kenna commented

Ever since graduation we all moved out of the apartment and me and Harry live in a place all our own.

Kenna and Nathan live together but there kinda far from us which sucks. Lila lives with a blonde NFL football player named James and Maddie has a house on her own with her child she's always wanted.
Long story

"Lets eat" Kenna grabbed me and ran into the kitchen

"I missed you guys" Nathan said

"GROUP HUG" Harry screamed grabbing us

Together we're all a family and we all love each other. Nobody gets left behind.

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