Radioactive <Imagine Dragons>*

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"Ryder I swear if you don't get your lazy butt out of bed I'm coming to kill you" Kenna screamed

We just got home from the stupidest place ever and I was currently trying to take a nap but Kenna won't let me.

"Ryder" Kenna screamed hitting me with a pillow

"Ow gosh what" I yelled sitting up my red hair going in my face

"You have a visitor" Kenna wiggled her eyebrows at me

"Tell them to go away" I stated laying back down


"WHAT THE HELL KEN" I screamed

"Go see your guest" she threw the pillow hitting me in the face then walked out

I got out of my comfortable bed and grabbed some random shoes that were laying on the floor which happily they were my pink and grey house slippers. I walked to the door and opened it

"Welcome to my home" I bowed and signaled him in

"Hey Ryder" my guy bestfriend Nathan said sitting on our couch

"What's up" I asked shutting the door joining him and Kenna

"Nathan I missed you" Kenna squealed

"Awe I missed you to" Nathan hugged her and sat back down

Lazy bum

"What have you girls been doing" Nathan asked

"Stop staring at ken its weird" I said sticking my nose up

Nathan turned red and Kenna smiled. Crap I probably just hooked them up. Nathan wasn't bad looking he was a dirty blonde with green eyes which is something you don't see all the time him and Kenna would be a cute couple.

"Lets go skateboard" I suggested

Nathan nodded and Kenna got up to walk out the door


"Yeah" Kenna and Nathan said in unison

"We need our skateboards" I stated the obvious

"I knew that" Kenna said sticking her tongue out at me

I did it back and ran to my room slipping on my grey and blue Nike's and grabbing my green skateboard.

I got to the front door waiting for the lovers. Kenna came out with her lime green skateboard it's like mine but hers is a lighter shade of green than mine. Nathan came out with his blue skateboard he keeps it here in the guest bedroom.

"Ryder" Kenna said

I looked at her signaling for her to continue

"Don't push me again" she said strictly

"Yes mam" I saluted her

Nathan laughed and we ran outside to the back of the apartments. It was a clear grassy field with a playground, pool, and a big sidewalk or as I call it a parking lot cause it was huge! I dropped my skateboard from my hands and got on it skating to the middle.

Kenna followed shortly after and was skating beside me

"Nathan" I screamed

"What" he asked nearly falling off his board

"I wanna go to the skatepark" I stated rolling over to him

"What's that gotta do with me" he asked

"Drive us" I replied

"No" he skated over to Kenna

I'm so pushing him off I ran behind him and pushed him he fell to the ground and me and Kenna laughed.

"That wasn't nice" he stated getting up dusting himself off

"Who said I was nice" I shrugged grabbing my board running back inside the house

I looked out my bedroom window to see Kenna and Nathan skating together sometimes there hands would touch and she blushed looking away and he would smile to himself.

My job is finished I ran to the bathroom getting into my pajamas throwing my hair into a messy bun. I grabbed my house shoes and slid to the living room. Yup I slid like a boss! Hard wood floors are awesome! I picked up Nathan's jacket and grabbed his car keys from the pocket

"Bingo" I happy danced

I slid to the door and ninjad to his car without him or Kenna seeing me. I got in and turned the car on backing out of the parking spot


I turned the radio up blasting imagine dragons

"IM RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE" I screamed at the top if my lungs

I pulled into the drive through and the lady asked my order

"Uh I want a cheeseburger a large fry a ten pice chicken nugget with another large fry and a chocolate milkshake" I thought for a moment

"Is that all" she asked

"No I also want a 4 piece happy meal for a boy and a 6 piece for a girl both with a vanilla milkshake" now I'm done

She repeated my order and soon enough I was on the way home with my food Kenna and Nathan's

I walked through the door setting everything on the living room table

"Did you get us anything" Nathan asked

"Yup" I handed them the happy meals

"Really Ry" Kenna said

"Yup" I replied digging into my food then went to bed

"NIGHT GUYS" I screamed through the closed bedroom door

"NIGHT PUMPKIN" Kenna screamed

"NIGHT RYDER" Nathan screamed

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