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"Harry! Go tend to the kid" I screamed from the kitchen

I seem to always find myself in kitchens. I have a problem with food. We just get along so good it's crazy

"Harry!" I screamed as the crying continued

It's been so long since I've last seen my best friends. Me and Harry are so busy. We have one baby girl she's a week old so she's new to the Styles family

Harry and I are married our anniversary is today actually which is why I'm cooking. For our picnic in the park with baby Alise Brook Styles (pronounced A-Lice)

Kenna is married to Nathan now and there expecting any day now. Happily married.

"SHUT THE CHILD UP BABE!" I yelled a lot louder

"Sorry I was getting ready" Harry came in swiftly, kissing me and getting the baby taking her up stairs

My family is something








We arrived at the park with little to no screaming from our precious baby girl

"Thank you for cooking baby or I would've went and got us something" Harry leaned in and pecked my lips

"Homemade pop tarts and sandwiches are way better anyway" I muttered after he pulled away

"You know your hairs still red" he laughed

"And yours is still curly" I replied in a sassy tone

"I love you and your sassiness" Harry leaned in and kissed me again

"Good cause were a combination and going nowhere" I replied kissing him again

"Ready to go eat some of your burnt food" Harry snickered and jumped out

"Dude your gonna die" I laughed as I jumped out running after him around the car

We made sure the door was open so my baby girl wouldn't die.

There's a lot of those psychos who kill kids like that

Not me.

"Harry! Stop playing and come out from your hiding place" I said sweetly


I jumped up twirling around slapping whatever scared me

I opened my eyes and covered my mouth with my hands holding in a laugh

"Sorry babe" I laughed out

My hand print was marked across Harry's face. He held onto it with his mouth open

"What was that for!" he asked

"Reflex" I shrugged

I leaned in and got out the baby cradling her in my arms while Harry got over his hissy fit and got the picnic basket

We picked out a nice spot under a shady tree. I sat Alise down in the grass as she laughed picking at the grass

"We made a beautiful child" Harry whispered

"I made a beautiful child. You just helped" I stated

"Hey! Going in and out is a lot of work" Harry said sounding offended

"Yeah sure" I laughed

Alise pointed behind me and I slightly turned to see what she was pointing at

"That's a boat" I stated as it sailed by

The park was by a river and today they had a sailing contest

Toy boats of corse!

"Your adorable" Harry whispered pecking my cheek

"So are you Styles" I playfully shoved him

"I love you and Alise" he mumbled picking me up from behind

"We love you to" I whispered

Were just like your typical family except not as strict and crazy. But we all love each other with all we got

I don't regret falling in love with Harry, he was the best thing that's ever happened to me. Also the worst but that's what love can do to you

It can Make you or Break you it's your decision so choose wisely.

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