Only A Few Hours

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I yawned and stretched my body in all directions possible, only this day need to pass and in a few hours I'm sitting in the plane, I thought over exited.
I pushed the covers away and climbed out of the bed.

Before I dressed myself I went to the laptop, opening my mails.

Dear Michael,

Only a few Hours!!
Prepare yourself, I'm coming.

If everything's in time, my plane will arrive at seven in the evening.

Love Diane

I couldn't help but smile at every letter I typed in this mail.

I quickly dressed myself for work and grabbed some stuff together that I may need.
I did my hair and make up, grabbed my bag and closed the door shut behind me.

~ At Work~

"Good Morning Diane", my boss smiled looking at me as I entered the shop.
Morning Alexandra", I said smiling.
I walked over to the diary for checking who's my first customer today, I sighned.
Mr. Pines, oh lord no, I thought.
He isn't a bad person at all but he knows exactly how much money he ownes and that doesn't makes it easy though.
At least if you're friendly he'll give you good tip. Sometimes.
We only open in a couple of minutes and I'm already pissed, what a great start.

I walked to the common room and dropped my bag.
I took a deep breath and put on a fake smile as i walked down to the seats.

"Hey Diane?", Alexa asked, "Would you mind cleaning the mirrows?", she handed me a wet cloth.
"No problem", I said casually grabbing it.
Mr. Pines would first arrive in half an hour so I have enough time to do the mirrows.

"Too busy to serve a paying customer?", a voice yelled pissed.
I turned around dropping a bowl with mixed colours for Ms. Sullivan.
Mr. Pines. Of course.
I headed down the stairs.
"Good day Mr. Pines", I managed a more than fake smile as I looked at him.
"Keep the excuses, and get me a cup of coffee instead, I'm exhaused", he snapped as I opened my mouth for speaking.

"How you see our shop is busy", I replied getting annoyed of his behavior.
"May you sit down there, I'll get the coffee", I said smooth not wanting to get in any conversation with him.
I take it all back, he is a jerk. Period.

"Here you are", I said handing him the cup of coffee.
"With two sugars?", he asked in a deep voice.
"Like always", I said dryly, "So what a haircut may it be today, Mr. Pines?", i questioned looking at him through the mirrow.
"Also too busy to remember, huh?", he hissed.
I facepalmed. What a douchebag.
"Ok, so you've had a troubled morning, I guess?".
He waved with his hand. "Please no question asked. Thanks", he mumbled.
Maybe you get hit by a car later, I thought, faking a smile. Again.

"So that comes to 45 Dollars, please", I said to Mr. Pines as I made my way behind the counter.
He opened his purse as several notes popped out.
He looked at them pulling a 100 Dollar note out of it.
"Keep the change, good day Ms. Mason", he said handing me the bank note and walked off.
Wow, my eyes got big.
That was totally worth it this day.

It was now 13.50 p.m. and no customer was in the shop anymore.
So I started to clean the bowls.
"When you finish cleaning them, you can go Diane", Alexa said from behind me walking up the stairs.
"And happy holidays, stay safe dear", she replied hugging me.
"I will, and thank you", I smiled exited returning her embrace.

I grabbed my stuff and went out, "Bye", I waved before disappearing through the doors.
I headed to my car and drove straight to the house of my parents.
I promised my mum to visit her, and I'll keep it.

"Diane!", my mum shouted as I parked in the driving lot.
"Hey Mum", I smiled getting out of my car.
"I know you have not the time but just for a moment you have to come in", she cheered and grabbed my arm, pushing me inside.
"What's the matter?", I asked confused.
She kept silent and handed me a small box wrapped up in gift wrap paper.
"Ok mum, I said no presents!", I stated looking at her.
"It's nothing, really", she replied, "But I'm sure you'll need this, just see it as your birthday present, ok", she smiled hugging me.
"And now, hurry before you're missing the plane", she said mumbling into my ear as she tightened the embrace.
"I, I don't know how to thank you mum", I stuttered not knowing what to say.
"Just let me know later if you like it, that's all", she winked and guided me through the door to my car.
"See you in a couple of weeks".
"Love you mum, bye", I waved heading to the car.

I rushed to the airport and catched the flight at the very last second.
Exited I took my seat and plug in my headphones, the journey can begin!

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