For All Time

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Once more I heared Michaels voice calling and begging me to wait, but again I ignored it and kept running.
I was going nowhere but at this time I just don't cared.
Time passed by and I got tired and really exhausted until I fell down on my knees under a large tree, the only sound that was audible was my heavy breathing and sobbing echoing through the thick heated air.
I burst out into tears as I covered my face with my hands.
And again this question popped into my mind, why does Michael love such a kind of woman?, wasn't I good enough?, was I much too kind?...
My brain started hurting, and I decided to ignore it at that point, if you can't change it, than leave it...

"Finally...", a sweet voice shook me off of my dreams as soft footsteps came closer by any second.
"Hey are you alright?", his sweet words embraced me basically, I slowly uncovered my now mascara smeared eyes and stared at him.
He spoke once again reaching out his hand towards my flinched self.
"Don't touch me...", I sobbed avoiding his touch.
"Than at least tell me if you're ok girl", he said looking at me, worriedness filling his beautiful brown eyes.
It's been so long since I looked into them.
"Kind of", I breathed as I clumbsily got up on my feet.
I immediatelly grabbed onto my forehead, this headache makes it difficult to even think straight.
"Doesn't seems so, come on I'll get you back", Michael hold onto my arm to keep me up without stumbling.
"I said, don't touch me Michael", I said angrily and frustrated about how this turned out, as I got rid of his grip.
I took a deep breath and strongly walked away with my wobbling knees that tried to held this massive weight laying on my shoulders.

With heavy swearing I ripped my jacket off and threw it onto the passenger seat of my car, starting the engine I drove away leaving a confused Michael standing at the gates of Neverland.

~ In The Evening ~

As I was about to towel dry my hair I heard a knock on my door.
Who the hell got nerves to annoy me at this time, I thought and walked to the entrance of my hotel room.
No one else than Michael himself stood there as I opened the door, "May I come in?", he asked soft as I stood there with my mouth hanging open.
"If it's neccessary", I answered and stepped aside so he could walk in before I shut the door close behind him.
"Ok, first how did you find me?", I asked in disbelieve that he was even here.
"As you ran away you lost this", he explained showing me a brochure of the hotel I was staying in.
"And now I do have some questions as well", he said placing the brochure on the coffee table.
"Alright, if you want to sit down, don't hesitate", I continued, "Would you like something to drink?".
"Water would be great", Michael smiled taking his seat on the couch.
I gave him a nod followed by walking into the kitchen to get us something to drink as something shattered to the ground.
I turned around and found my necklace on the floor, "Oh no... not again", I mumbled worried bending down to pick it up.
"What's wrong?", Michael turned to look at me.
"The clasp on my pendant is broken", I replied trying to fix it, "That's why it doesn't lasts for long, I guess I need to replace the necklace".
"That's a nice pendant, really gorgeous", he said taking a closer look.
"Yeah it is", I smiled, "Someone bought it for me, and I haven't taken it off since the day I got it".
I slowly looked up seeing Michael with teary eyes staring at the only memory he gave me back then, the only item that means the world to me, just like he does.
"Really gorgeous", I repeated his words, "Like the one who gave it to me... agree Michael?".
A shocked expression made it's way across his sweet features.
At this point I knew he recognized me, I smiled at him and pointed to the door, "It's already late, please leave now".
He wasn't even able to speak he just nod and slowly made his way to the door.
"Goodnight Mr. Jackson", I mumbled and closed the door.

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