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A/N (in this story Luke and Ariana are the same age )


Hello my names Ariana grande yes the girl from the kids show Ariana grande and I use to date Luke Hemmings but when we broke up I was Like 15 him and Lauren broke up and like 2 months after he asked me out I said yes and we date for like 7 months but we broke up because I kissed one of the guys in my dance class Ricky after  a week him and Lauren started going out and had kids and the rest is history ,but when Luke left me I found out I was pregnant with his kid I kept the baby because I brought him into this world so why would I kill him you know but as of  recently he has been asking for his dad  you must be wondering how old is he what's his name and all that and his name is Lazarus Adrian Grande Cena since that's Luke's real last name and he is 7 years old he has Luke's blue eyes and a mixture between my brown hair and Luke's blonde hair I found out that Luke's family reunion is today and I know the he is going because his girlfriend Lauren posted about on Twitter so I'm going to tell him about Lazarus today. I'm here and about to knock on the door. I knocked on the door and saw her.

"Umm what are doing here " the girl holding a small child in her hands

"Is Luke here" I asked holding Lazarus hand

"Umm you can leave a message he went to the store " she said glaring at me

" ohh my god ,Lauren can I just talk to him it's important" I said looking at her when I heard a familiar voice

"Babe who's at the door" the tall boy said kissing her on the lips grabbing the little girl that was on Lauren's hip saying  " hey princess did you miss me ,huh were you good for mommy " he said finally turning his attention to us at the door

" oh um Ariana what are you doing here " the tall boy said snaking his arm around Lauren's waist

"Hi Luke I have to talk to you about something " I said nervously

"Umm what is it" he said put the child down allowing her to run to the back of the house causing her to disappear

"Well um hold on , hey lazs can you go wait in the car for me " I said to my son who followed my instructions hopping in the passenger seat . "Well you see ... Um you know I would prefer to tell you in private just so that you can tell her the way you want " I said trying not to come off rude

" ummmm okay , babe do you mind" Luke said turning to Lauren as she pecked him on the lips before walking away "so what did you want to tell me Luke said

"Okay so when we broke up I found out I was pregnant I didn't tell you because I figured I could do it on my own and plus I saw how happy you and Lauren were and I couldn't ruin that, but Lazarus, he's been asking to see his dad and being that I came to finally tell you, but I understand if don't want anything to do with him " I said nervously

"Ummm I don't want to sound like a jerk but I need a DNA test done" Luke said truthfully

"Yeah sure I totally understand , umm I'll text you when or you can and we'll be there I'll let you go get back to your family" I said leaving the home 

Luke's P.O.V

I just found out that I have a son with a girl that isn't the love of my life I have to tell Lauren I know she's going to hate me why cant I have a normal life what if she leaves me,what if she takes my kids away from me,what if she never wants to marry me I have to tell her right now

"Babe I need to tell you something it's a life changing matter and what ever happens I want you to know that I love more than anything more than life it's self and really hope you don't take the kids from me " I said

"Okay baby your really starting to scare me what is it "she said confidently looking at me with a serious face

"Okay so you know that little boy that was with Ariana " I said in a shaky voice

"Yeah what about him" she asked nervously

"Well......there may.....or may a chance he could be my son " I said in a nervous shaky voice looking into Lauren's eyes full of sadness and despair from the news causing her beautiful emerald green eyes into a darker shade in color

"Luke how " was all Lauren could manage to say looking at me

"She said that when I broke up with her she found out and didn't feel the need to tell me since she knew I was happy with you and didn't want to ruin us but I told her I need a DNA test Please don't leave me babe I didn't know " I said crying into Lauren's shoulder hugging her

"Umm you know what I'm not going to leave you babe I love you too much to leave you and if he is your we'll treat him as if he was our own, it's going to be okay I love you " she said as I wiped my tears and hers and kissed her

"What did I do to deserve you" I said kissing her "I'm really sorry baby " I said kissing her one last time before heading back

"I love you too let's just go back because the kids are already starting to fall asleep okay "Lauren said looking at me with a small smile but a gloss of hurt still in her eyes

We left went to sleep and I'm just hoping that this will all solve it's self because tomorrow's a new scary day

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