Luke's P.O.V
Today I'm going to court since last night Ariana had the cops come and take Lazarus away and of course they asked if we had any appropriate clothing for Lazarus since he had a muscle shirt and joggers on he was freaking out because since Ariana and Ricky tried to fight me and Lauren the cops put Lazarus in temporary cps and the cop said that the judge will decide whether or not I can see Lazarus or keep him and Ariana get him on the weekends but I really hate that Lazarus is going through this right now and I heard that Ariana is bringing Ricky to testify for her and of course I'm going to bringing Lauren with me
"All rise" the cop said as we did and the judge came in and told us to sit
"Mr. Cena you are going for full custody of your son correct" the judge said
"Yes your honor" I said looking at the judge
"And Ms. Grande you don't want him to see your son at all correct " the judge said looking at Ariana
"Well not technically " Ariana said looking down
"Well that doesn't answer my question, and look at me when we speak ms. Grande " the judge said slaying Ariana
"Okay so we asked the child a few questions the first one is dose mr. Alvarez hit the child the answer was yes that was true , we then asked if you knew he said sometimes that was true , we asked him if mr. Alvarez left him alone over night that he said yes that was also true " the judge read as Ariana glared at Lauren which I really don't know why
"And ms. Grande you want to testify against mr. Cena that he is a unfit parent do you have anyone to testify for you " the judge said almost chuckling
"Yes your honer my boyfriend Ricky Alvarez " Ariana said as the cop allowed Ricky to the stand and the lawyer asked Ricky questions when they got to the last question from the judge
"Well this is going to be good " the judge said as I agreed in my head
"If he hits your son and left him alone over night you still really think that you have a very fit life style to parent this child ms. Grande " the judge questioned
"Your if I may" Ariana started but got cut off by the judge
"Ms. Grande do not outrup in my court again do you under stand" the judge said as Ariana just nodded in understand meant
"Ok mr. Cena you have someone to testify for you correct " the judge looked at me
"Correct " I said nodding my head looking at the judge
"And that is Lauren jauregi correct " the judge said as the cop lead Lauren to the stand
"Ms. Jauregi who are you to mr. Cena " the lawyer asked
"I'm his girlfriend " Lauren said honestly
"Do you have any children with mr. Cena " the lawyer asked
"3 yes" Lauren said
"Okay and dose mr. Cena ever hit them " the lawyer questioned
"Rarely but only when they are very very disobedient but it's not a hit it's a spanking " Lauren said honestly
"Okay and how is he with Lazarus " the lawyer asked again

Our Life a Lukeren story
FanfictionWhat would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life