What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
I took Jr to go get a haircut and I let him pick it but I didn't tell Lauren because well I didn't want to really be the one to tell Jr no so I let him pick it
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It was really weird because when his hair was all together you know what I mean but any ways now it's like a really blonde color but now we're on our way back home
"Awww hey babe where's Jr" Lauren said as I was kinda worried
"Hey mom close your eyes I want it to be a surprise" Jr said as Lauren did as she was told
"You ready" Jr said as Lauren nodded her head yes
"Okay,you can look now"Jr said as Lauren Opened her eyes and looked at me and she went to Jr and started touch his hair
"Jr it's different, umm did you want this " Lauren questioned as he looked at her excitedly
"Yeah it's so cool right mommy" Jr said as Lauren just smiled
"Well as long as you like then I guess I like it to, now go get changed we're going out" Lauren said as she kissed his check and she looked at me
"Are you mad babe" I asked as she shook her head no
"Well not really I mean he likes it so I guess it's fine you know" Lauren said as she kissed me and we walked to the living room
"So where are we going" I asked as she just shrugged
"We can go to the park and then ice cream parlor" Lauren said as I just nodded in agreement and we went to get ready to go out
Lauren's POV
(Skip the park)
"Mommy I want a snack" Landon said as he went up to me
"Okay babe come on we're going THERE now" I said because I wanted the kids to be a little surprised when we got to the ice cream parlor
"Alright where are here" Luke said as I woke up the kids and they were so happy that they were getting ice cream especially Landon and Nicole
"I want the blue one"Lazarus and Jr said at the same time as we all laughed
As we were all sitting down my phone started to ring and I picked it up
"Hey DJ" I said on the other line as I watched Luke take the kids up to the ice cream bar thingy as he told the girl their orders
"Hey umm are you home?" Dinah asked
"No we're at a ice cream parlor, why" I asked as she groaned
"Because lolo I was suppose to spend the night with you guys but I just call Mila and stay with her I'll come by tomorrow" Dinah said as I sighed,can't believe that I forgot about this
"I'm really sorry DJ, I'll go right now.." I started but Dinah cut me off
"Lo don't worry about it, it's not that big of a deal I swear, plus Mila just pulled up It's fine, spend time with your family, you've seen enough of me alright bye see you tomorrow" Dinah said as she hung up before I could even say bye
"Hey mommy daddy said what ice cream do you want" Landon said as he looked up at me taking a big bite of his ice cream cone and looked so cute because the way his checks looked
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"Haha umm I'll just strawberry" I said picking him up and walking toward Luke as he nodded and I got Landon's face cleaned up from all the ice cream that was previously caked with ice cream on his lips
"Here you go babe" Luke said as he handed me my my ice cream and we all sat down and eat the ice cream and even gave the twins a little bit then headed home
(At home)
"Come on let's watch a movie" Luke said as he picked up Nicole and we all went to the family room and I brought Lila and Lacy to join us as we were all on the extra huge couch and watched open season 1-3 and boy every time I would try and fall asleep this would happen👇🏼
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And it lasted for about 30 minutes until we all fell asleep but I didn't really mind because they were all mine and I loved it so much. I alway feel happy knowing that I have such a wonderful family and I will always have them no matter what