Luke we might have a problem?

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Lauren POV

Lately I have throwing up and having really bad cramps I asked Camila if can by to help me take care of  Nicole with her stitches

"Lauren I'm here" I heard Camila yell down stairs

"Hey thanks for coming" I said as we walked into the kitchen

"So where's Luke" Camzs asked as I handed her a root beer and started to wash dishes

"Umm football practice, he should be getting home in a hour or so" I said as Camila started digging in a CVS bag as I felt the urge of vomiting so I rushed to the guest restroom and I felt Camila hold my hair back and rub circles on my back

"Hey umm Lauren , I really think you should take this test" Camila said handing me 3 different boxes of pregnancy test as I sighed

"Come on lo it's best to find out now just to make sure everything is okay"  Camila said as I grabbed the boxes and she stepped out I did what I had to do and then Camila came back in

"Do you want more kids lolo" Camila asked me curiously

"Yeah just not now I'm still young" I said nervously as Camila just nodded her head in agreement

"God this, is the longest 3 minutes of my life" I said as Camila just gave me a sympathetic look

"Lauren,dose Luke want more kids" Camzs asked

"Are you kidding, yes  right after Nicole was born he was already talking about having another one" I said as Camila laughed but was interrupted by the beeping signaling that the results are ready

"Oh MY God, what am I going to do" I said as Camila just hugged me and Nicole started calling me

"Hey lolo it's okay alright just stay here and try to calm down I'll go see what she needs" Camila said as I just nodded my head yes when I heard Camila talking to someone

"Oh Hey LUKE" Camila said giving me the hint Luke is home

"Where's LAUREN, I don't know I think LAUREN is in the RESTROOM" Camila said letting me know Luke's coming as I hurried and tried to hide the test behind my when Luke came in

"Babe ??, what's wrong why are you crying, what's behind your back" Luke questioned as I tried to think of something but failed when luke turned me around

"Why do you have a pregnancy test" he said as his jaw dropped when he saw it was positive and dropped them on the counter and picked me up and spun me around

"Babe, we're having a baby, this is so great I love you" Luke said as he put me down and kissed with full passion as I started to think that this might not be that bad having another little baby running around the house because my babies are already growing up so fast

"Bye lolo and Lukey I'm going to head home" Camila said as she hugged us goodbye and left

"Babe I'm going to take a nap okay my head is killing me oh and the boys are spending the night at a friends house" I said as Luke just nodded his head and pecked my lips

I started to think about it what all happened today and I remember when I was 17 or 18 and I had took Jr on stage with me while I was singing a cover with the girls that Dinah picked and we all know that I would never pick that person or song because it's Ariana (no hate I actually love ari it's just for the story) but any way I was even gushing over him myself I'm not going to lie but it really would be nice to have that again and hopefully it be a girl because me and Nicole are kinda tired of having to do a whole bunch of boys stuff

(You guys should really watch this video😊😊😃😃)

But I'm still kinda scared of going through labor even though I've been through it 3 times but hey my little nugget is going to be coming and we're going to be here waiting for him/her hopefully it's a girl

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But I'm still kinda scared of going through labor even though I've been through it 3 times but hey my little nugget is going to be coming and we're going to be here waiting for him/her hopefully it's a girl


Lauren fell asleep while Luke took care of Nicole and he was already thinking of names and even scheduled a doctors appointment both of them were starting to think of what the little one will look like and even names for the little one

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