What the actual fuck come on now people. What's wrong with some of you why would you do that, why would you send Lauren NUDES like seriously do you not respect her or yourselves. That shit isn't cool you guys wonder why don't get anything nice or anything, because some ignorant ass people who have no RESPECT for the girls, not just Lauren, you guys know who she feels about when she hears someone talking about Camren or anything like that and you guys insist on pushing the topic, then some of you would rather ambush them instead of actually talking to them and having a conversation with any of them.I'm not going to say it's everyone nor am I saying it's everyone because it's not but just consider how you would feel if some had started a hashtag to send nudes to you. Not only dose that put her in a uncomfortable position but her family because they're going to wonder how , and what happened which would cause her to become more frustrated with the whole situation. And that means she'll be even more angry with us.
I honestly don't care if it was or wasn't suppose to be a joke, because we all know that there's those few people who just go to far with these things . Where's your common sense, what in the world would encourage what ever idiot who did this to do this because that shit isn't cool we all know that Lauren is a very closed off person when it comes to this stuff, if she would have a slight panic attack due to the amount of people she has crowding her then she must be raging at us right now and it sucks to say us because I didn't take part in this and I know some of us didn't either but what we all do as harmonizers affects ALL of us , we rise and fall as a group.
Seriously think about what you post or do before you do it why would do that to her and if you guy's were TURE fans then you wouldn't have did that stupid shit and while you were planning and participating in this did you ever consider how Lauren would've felt throughout all of this.
Think about how Lauren is feeling right now, that's all I'm saying.

Our Life a Lukeren story
FanficWhat would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life