Date night

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Lukes POV

Today is my date and I'm a little scared because I haven't done this in a while but oh well I got dressed in my black skinny jeans ,a plain white t shirt, my Jordan 1's and white snapp back Cody said that Samantha was going to wear an almost similar outfit and I was down for it because she seems really cool

(Skip to the date)

"Hi" Samantha said as I gave her a side hug

"Hey" I said as we walked around a park an stopped when we got to a tree

"So what do you like to do on your free time" Samantha asked as I smiled

"Just chill and spend time with my kids, what about you" I said as she smiled

"Umm draw or play soccer" Samantha said as we talked about a few things we have in common and the we asked a lady to take a picture of us leaning on a tree

"Would you like to go get something to drink or eat" I asked as she nodded and I took her hand an intertwined our fingers as we both looked at each other

"Hello welcome to Starbucks what would you like" the lady asked while smiling at me

"Umm I'll just have a iced tea what about you" I asked and Samantha looked up at me

"Umm I'll just have iced coffee" Samantha said as the lady nodded and we went to sit down and I sat across from her while we just talked about things that we enjoy and like,but now I was on my way to drop her off

"Hey Luke" Samantha said as I looked at her quickly then back to the road

"Yeah?" I said as i looked at her and smiled at her and pulled over since I'm in her drive way now

"Umm thanks...your one of the nicest guys that have ever took me out on a date and actually treated me right" Samantha said as she looked down and I put my finger under her chin and lifted her head up and looked her in her eyes

"Well those guys must be dumb to ave not treated you right because you are beautiful and amazing" I said as we both started leaning in a finally we kissed and it was nice and sweet with a little bit of fireworks, different from Lauren's but it was a good different.

"Oh would you like to come in" Samantha asked as I nodded my head yes and she grabbed my hand and guided me through the house into the kitchen

"Would you like something to drink" Samantha asked me with a smile

"Umm no thanks" I said as she got her a naked drink and I made a playful eww face

"Why the ewww face they aren't that bad" Samantha said walking towards me when I stepped towards her and we both started to lean in and started to have a little make out cession which quickly got heated I tapped he butt lightly signaling her to get on me which she did. I guided us to the couch and we never broke the kiss

 I guided us to the couch and we never broke the kiss

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