Super Bowl

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Luke's P.O.V

Today is one of the biggest days in my NFL career and this is the first time EVERYONE and I mean everyone is going to be at one of my games, I got them a sky box and front row seats by the field goal but here's the list

Lauren and the kids... of course

Cody &Gigi - Cody's daughter aka my niece karly (let's pretend Cody and Kylie had a baby ok)

Selena & Sabrina

My mom & probably my dad but idk because Lucas as some stupid gymnastics thingy

Mike & Clara- along w/ Chris & Taylor

Dinah - along w/ her boyfriend

Ally & Troy

Normani and her boyfriend

Camila & Shawn- along w/ Alejandro, Sinue, & Sofia.....bc their like my 2nd family

And yeah but that's probably it along with one or two friends but I'm not sure I'm in the locker room right now and I am really pumped along with the guys we're all rocking side to side or jumping around or just standing smiling as coach is going over the plays and giving us a pep talk

"WHOS GOING TO WIN" coach yelled as we all formed a huddle

"WE ARE" we all yelled as coach walked in the little space in the middle of the circle


"WE ARE" we all yelled louder


"WE ARE" we all yelled

"AND WHOS GOING TO GET SO DESTROYED OUT THERE" coach yelled as loud as he could

"THEY ARE" we all scream cause us to get all hype and coach patted his clip board

"ITS GAME TIME BOYS!!!" coach yelled  and we walked out the locker room and to the entrance before going on the field and waited for the commentator to announce the team

And we did our entrance (video in media) and then waited for our rivals to come out and then we all stood on the side lines and listened to Rihanna sing the national anthem after the captains went up to the ref and did a coin toss and the other team got the ball first and then we went to
Kick off and once the punt return took place we went the starting line once they hiked the ball the line backers tried to break down the Defense and did which caused the QB to panic and try to throw the ball to his wide receiver which I ended up intercepting and took off towards our end zone on the opposite side of the field. I felt like I had so much adrenaline to run around the world, and I had broke a couple of guys ankles before finally making the touch down and once I did the crowed went crazy and I took off my helmet

 I felt like I had so much adrenaline to run around the world, and I had broke a couple of guys ankles before finally making the touch down and once I did the crowed went crazy and I took off my helmet

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