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Ariana's POV

Im on my way to pick up Lazarus. Oh and me and Ricky broke up because he cheated on me,but I'm not really sad about it I guess I just thought I loved him but I really didn't you know what I mean, anyways I asked Luke if I can have laz stay the night and he said it was fine so that's what I'm doing right now I got out the car and left the air on since I have the baby with me since I have to get laz.. I hurried to the door and rang the door to be meet with Sabrina Luke's younger sister, she's on girl meets world and yeah back to reality,

"I'm here to get Lazarus" I said as she nodded and called laz

"Hey love" I said as he ignored me and went to the car, wow that hurt, but I shook it off and went to the car

"Hey you wanna listen to some music" I asked as turned and looked out the window, okay why is he ignoring me this isn't okay

"Hey laz is something wrong" I asked him and he dug in his picked and pulled out his phone and earphones

"Hey" I said sternly as he plopped in his earphones as I pulled into the drive way of my house as I got Zariah's carrier out and walked to the door where laz was already at and I unlocked the door and laz was already about to run up stairs

"Lazarus Adrian Grande Hemmings, get back here right now" I said as strength as I could and he stopped and came down the stairs

"Living room now" I said as he sighed and walked in the living room as I put zariah in her play pin and then sat across from laz on the couch

"Look we used to be so close when you lived with me and now you're so distant and cold towards I want you to tell me Everything that bothered you,bothering you, your feelings,and your thoughts, just everything that has you feeling the way you are please...I miss my baby boy" I said as I looked at him as he took a deep breath and then looked at me

"I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you because you were never there for me when I was growing up or anything,I hate you because you don't love me, you're always leaving me with someone else instead of spending time with me,I wish I was never born sometimes because your stupid boyfriend used to always hit when you were away and when I would never believe me and get angry with me because you thought I was lying about it,I wish j had a better life no my life isn't as bad as most people's but I just wish it was normal, sometimes i feel like you wish you never had me because You're always giving me the cold shoulder when we're in public, I know that I kinda love you because you're my mom but that doesn't mean you're my mother, honestly I didn't even know the difference between a mom and mother until I meet Lauren because she actually cares about me and my feelings, she's there for me and she makes time for me, she treats me like I'm her own son, an you do none of that and at moments I wish you did but I'm over it now because I know that you don't love me like that...and I honestly don't need you to do that because I have my mom to do it for me but most of all I detest you for what you did to aria" Lazarus side as I cringed at the name as I took a deep breath before starting

"Laz you know why I did that I was only 17 I didn't know how to take care of twins let alone myself and I was barley getting by I wouldn't have been able to take care of the both of you....okay plus I'm sure that your sister is with some very nice family and has a lot of people who care about" I said as I noticed tears coming out of Lazarus' face and I sighed bringing him into me as I wrapped my arms around him soothingly

"Why did you keep her, why did you keep me, or why didn't you just give up the both of us maybe we would be happy together if you" laz said as he pulled away from my hug and I sighed as I heard the words come out of my sons mouth

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